A new book in my library. (1 Viewer)

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Dang, man...you're really stocking you shelves!

That B-18 book looks pretty interesting, I've always been fascinated with that bomber and where it could have gone in history if things were a bit different

I was always ignorant of the bomber until reading this book. It is a plane that did not get the kudos it should have, I'll review it tomorrow with a couple of others. It was excellent!

Ohhh, tell me how that Condor book is. I really would like to have that one!

It's the the standard you would expect from Luftwaffe Classics. The first 36 pages is about it being an airliner, 37-113 is about the military use of it. It has tons of pics and I really liked it!
Been keeping an eye on some prices and the Classic Colours Nachtjager vol1 by David Williams is at the £750 mark on Amazon. I just fail to see how these booksellers can justify these astonishing prices for a title that was less than £20 when released.
Good stuff guys.

I must go back in time to post number 711 in this thread and update you guys that I finally got to finish "Night of the Intruders" by Ian McLachlan that Paul was kind enough to send to me. This is a great read and highly recommended so if you ca get hold of a copy, you won't be disappointed.
Thanks for the book review Andy. If I get through the pile I have to read I may look into getting that one. I just pre-ordered the second book Focke-Wulf Fw 190 series. It's suppose to come out Nov. 1st.

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