A new book in my library.

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I have most of those, but I want the Lancaster one!

If you ever make it to this side of the pond, you need to visit Charleston and see the Yorktown CV-10
One heck of a library there old boy.
David, that Halifax book is good, but not brilliant - it follows the style of a typical 'At War' series book. Lots of good photos, some profiles, production info, and some first-hand accounts of Ops, so worth having.
If you'd like the 'Squadron Signal' Lancaster book, PM me an e-mail address, and I'll send it in PDF. Again, it's a reasonably worthwhile addition, but typical Squadron Signal brief account.
Sorry, did you say a '68 Dodge Charger?

Uhh no 2012 :)

charger 1.jpg
Charger 2.jpg
Sorry Jan, I got the V6 with 8 speed transmission which gets 33 miles per gallon. I needed gas mileage as my truck has the Hemi in it as it only gets about 17 miles per gallon :) I still have 300 hp under the hood when I need it which is about 50 hp less then my trucks V8 as I have a 2004 hemi in it. Newer ones have even more horsepower. I beleive they are up to 400 hp for the new trucks :) Most of the state troops have this engine in it unless they get the intercepter package which is big bucks.
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