A new book in my library.

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Very cool!

I need to really good book on the Italian Air Force.

I have a few David, this one is also in my library that I like.

Nice purchase!
The Dunning's book on the Italian Air-force is a good one with a lot of information in it but with some errors, according to most known Italian experts.
Instead the one on Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana is probably the best available today.
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Nice purchase!
The Dunning's book on the Italian Air-force is a good one with a lot of information in it but with some errors, according to most known Italian experts.
Instead the one on Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana is probably the best available today.

Thanks Alberto,

Yeah an to be perfectly honest I think you can find errors in just about every book but I got to say they both are very interesting :)
Done good there David!

My latest! suggested by Alberto, even though I don't read french they are pretty good for photo content and profiles!


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