A new book in my library.

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Today's receipts:

Yesterday's receipts. The one on the Ar-234 I was a little disapointed in as it has a number of pictures of a model of the aircraft (though labeled as such) that they try to make look real. The Reluctant Raiders is about the USN's Navy Bombing Squadron VB/VPB-109.
Nice hauls, Andy and David.
What's the 'Nachtjagd' book like Andy? Saw it at the museum on Friday, but as the shop was closing, I didn't have time to look at it - for a museum shop, it was like an Alladin's cave, one of those places where it would be easy to come away after spending the entire contents of one's wallet, and the shirt off one's back!
Nice ones guys!

Can't get books too often, but found this at a second hand clothes/ books place yesterday. Cost a whole 290 forint! (Equiv. 1.30 USD)
(Also a book on Chinese woodcuts and a limited copy of the 15th century Flamand Calendarium for same price! :D )

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Nice hauls, Andy and David.
What's the 'Nachtjagd' book like Andy?

Have only just thumbed through it so far Terry. Plenty of pictures I have not seen before, although some are printed upside down....hmmm. Text is extensive but I can not yet comment on the quality although the author, Theo Boiten, is known to be credible.
Thanks Andy. Maybe you've got a mis-printed copy - sounds like the page make-up department got it wrong ! Not as bad as having photos laterally reversed, to fit the 'artistic' requirements of page orientation by some arty-farty editor who knows **** all about aviation !

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