A new book in my library.

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One heck of a library there old boy.
David, that Halifax book is good, but not brilliant - it follows the style of a typical 'At War' series book. Lots of good photos, some profiles, production info, and some first-hand accounts of Ops, so worth having.
If you'd like the 'Squadron Signal' Lancaster book, PM me an e-mail address, and I'll send it in PDF. Again, it's a reasonably worthwhile addition, but typical Squadron Signal brief account.
Sorry Jan, I got the V6 with 8 speed transmission which gets 33 miles per gallon. I needed gas mileage as my truck has the Hemi in it as it only gets about 17 miles per gallon I still have 300 hp under the hood when I need it which is about 50 hp less then my trucks V8 as I have a 2004 hemi in it. Newer ones have even more horsepower. I beleive they are up to 400 hp for the new trucks Most of the state troops have this engine in it unless they get the intercepter package which is big bucks.
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