A new book in my library.

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Latest additions:

Kagero Top Shots 35: UH-1D, by Ryszard T. Kominek;

An Account of Bristol Fighter Pilot, by Jenny Elliot(?) - many thanks to Mark (Buffnut453) for this one!

Also the E-book 'Spitfire Mark by Mark' Tony (36feet10inches) mentioned, and a copy of the 'Arab Air Power' book from Luis (Esquadrilla Azul)

Cheers guys!


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One for my fellow Spitfans! Not a book, but an eBook. I chanced across Steve Lucas's website last week:

Spitfire and Seafire | Illustrated guide to all marks and variants

And have since ordered his splendid eBook for the princely sum of £6.50. It's excellent, all the gen on all the Spitfire/Seafire variants in one place, exhaustively researched and as far as I can see very reliable.

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Jumped in a grabbed this, pretty damn good reference on first scan through...thanks for the heads up Tony.

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