A new book in my library. (1 Viewer)

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Newest on to the Soviet library side.

Great scores guys!

My latest.
My Great-Grandfather, Sgt. W.H.L.Samuel, served in this unit from 1914 - 1916, including fighting in the Balkans and Gallipoli, before transferring to the RFC as 2/Lt.View attachment 724697

Interesting volume. i have a great x2 uncle who served in the RWF in WW1. He was wounded on the second day of the Somme in 1916. Given the number of battalions activity for the Great War, i'm guessing the book can't spend too much time on individual battalions. I'd be glad to learn that I'm wrong in that assumption.
Interesting volume. i have a great x2 uncle who served in the RWF in WW1. He was wounded on the second day of the Somme in 1916. Given the number of battalions activity for the Great War, i'm guessing the book can't spend too much time on individual battalions. I'd be glad to learn that I'm wrong in that assumption.

G'day Mark! I updated my post as I had miswritten the date - my Great- Grandfather served in the RWF from 1914- (I believe) early 1918. Not exactly sure when he transferred to the RFC yet, though my auntie very kindly gave me his pay book(!), in which it states he received a payrise of '1 shilling per diem' flying pay from February 2nd 1918.

Which company was your Great-Great Uncle in?
My Great-Grandfather was in D Company.
I'll let you know if there's anything specific about his unit if you know it.
This one has a little less of the Aircraft stuff and a bit more Story lines of Pics with a story, but still some very interesting stuff non the less, always something new Jim.
Thank you Wayne. One more question, in the issue before this one they had a few pictures of a Bf 110 that had a pair of unusual four cluster, teardrop things under each wing. I posted about it here. Neither the publisher nor anyone here was able to ID what there where. Is there any mention of what it might be in the write-in section of the issue you just received? I am dying to know what they might have been. Thanks again, Jim

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