A new book in my library.

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Leonard Cheshire of 617 fame and post war of Cheshire homes fame. I just thumbed through and found he was on one of the aircraft attacking Nagasaki in 45, got TB post war and why he set up two of the Cheshire homes.

Just picked this up. Written by two unknown writers who seem to be complete novices but a glance through it indicates they probably did a good job. And besides it has one of my favorite airplanes on the cover. Can I see a show of hands who have been inside an F-105? And I do not mean the cockpit!


Two books I have been after for a while.

The next is interesting and I am enjoying it. Semi fictional it is also about Darwin in 42 but from a civilians perspective.


And one I really did not like. I bought it on line because I thought it might be on how to deal with your friends being killed and its a whole load of crap about the afterlife and reincarnation. It is a second edition Dec 39 with the first being Nov 39. The dedication is To those about to be reborn. I will cremate it in my next rubbish fire.


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