A new book in my library. (2 Viewers)

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Looks like some good reading Paul, hope it rekindles the fire there. I have The Eagle Squadrons Yanks in the RAF 1940-1942.
Oh an anyone who has ordered the second volume of Focke-Wulf Fw190 1943-1944, from Amazon, you need to go to your Amazon account and verify that you still want it. It has been delayed. I checked it last night before I went to bed and saw this. I thought they would have E-mailed me but they haven't.

Thanks Aaron, if you like the 4th Fighter group then the is Escort to Berlin, the 4th Fighter Group in WWII by Gary L Fry and Jeffrey L Ethell.
Received this from Pen and Sword today - on Special Offer at 50% discount = £15.
Hard-back, 271 pages, illustrated, and giving full explanations, listings and cross references for ALL codes used by the RAF, Commonwealth and Allied air units.
An excellent and invaluable reference, particularly for modellers - fully recommended.
Can be ordered on line at Pen and Sword Books: Military History and Nostalgia Book Publishers
ISBN 978 1 84415 691 7

Also, for members in the UK, it's worth browsing the web-site (or local branch) of 'The Works', who have some good offers on aviation and military titles at present.


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While researching for info about Flight Lt. Herb Ivens, mentioned in Johnbr's post, "A Remembrance Day Story" I came upon this site, DHH - Official Histories
It's a three volume(over 1500 pages) PDF titled "The R.C.A.F. Overseas". It's a free download from the Canadian Government. Enjoy.


EDIT: I had to Google search to get the other two volumes. They may be on the web page somewhere.
EDIT the EDIT: Click on "Official Histories" on the left side.
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Went to a used bookstore in another town today and picked this hardback up for $2.00.

"The War In The Air: The Royal Air Force in WW II" by Gavin Lyall.


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