A new book in my library. (1 Viewer)

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I have just purchased Secrets of the Conqueror The Untold Story.

It gives a lively description of the Submarine including of course the Falklands War and the Cold War. On Kindle it cost be the sum of £1 (yes one pound) It may not be the greatest book in the world but for that money, what have you to lose
Took a rare short foray into the real world last Friday (non-doctor related) and took my Sweetheart to a nearby antique store. I turned her loose in it (yes, I'm brave) because yesterday was her birthday and I am still not able to do much, so I figured this would be a fun thing for her.

Well, while I was waiting, I spotted some old books and amongst them was an original "Life Goes To War" in the large hardbound edition.

I recall looking at this (and the "Best Of Life") in the school's library ages ago, so I picked it up. I got a good deal on it (12 bucks) and it's in pretty good shape. (Do NOT ask me what all she got...besides, I'm on pain meds, it didn't hurt a bit...)

Anyway, it's a fatty at 303 pages and each page is loaded with at least one photograph. It covers the prelude to war, the deterioration of diplomacy and it's results, all the fronts in all the theaters and covers the war at home. For the beginning of each chapter, it displays the Life Magazine covers for that period and gives the history behind the covers. It's also interesting to read about the war's correspondants, too.

It was published by Life Magazine [ISBN 0316849014]

Sounds like good score David.

and you've done pretty well too Paul!

My latest...on the Israeli F-16, some great photo's!


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