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I'm not sure what to hope here, with folks in the prosperous countries having such problems.
At any rate, best of luck.
Life goes on ....

Post Script:

"We are about to find out what happens when a dog gets too many ticks. More than likely the parasites will kill the host. We have just elected Obama of the North. "Enjoy the decline!" ..."



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"... Thank Christ the last one got the flick...a right F'ing Wanker..."

Wayne and my fellow commonwealth cellmates from the OZ might do well to consider the following predictions from Lord Moncton. Our "right F'ing Wanker" got overturned 2 days ago and Moncton nailed it .... same with Abbot. I don't buy 'conspiracies' but Communism was not a conspiracy ... it was a New World Order power grab ... and that is exactly what the Environmentalist New World Order is too .... a fxxxking power grab.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NG0WcjGHkEw
Canadians don't vote for a PM .... that's done by the Party in leadership reviews/conventions .... Canadians vote for party candidates running to be MP ... they (Canadians)vote for a Government. Over where you are in OZ the parties have adopted legislation that allows the party caucus to de-frock a PM.
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