A Place to put your 1/72 Warbird!

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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
Caught this model in a recent Model mag and was amazed!

USS Sangamon (ACV-26/CVE-26) Special Feature

28 1/72 aircraft!

437 crew!

9' 4" long!

5+ years!


I love how he did the water effect!


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Bleedin' Nora!! Absolutely stunning!
Years ago, when the Royal Navy were still using F4 Phantoms, they had a touring display with a 1/72nd scale carrier and Phantoms, but it was only the flight deck and 'Island'. I thought that was impressive, but this model is just overwhelming - fantastic stuff!
Accordong to the mag I have....

The Hellcats are Italeri with resin cast parts for the wing-fold mechanisms.
The Avengers are Academy.

The 437 figures are Hecker&Goros, Preiser, Airfix/Heller, Revell and Mack Brown - 80% cut to custom poses.

He taught himself how to photoetch.

and he's still married!

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