Accurate Minitures

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The AM Fw-190 Priller is actually a stripped Eduard kit with fewer optional parts An Eduard Weekend Edition kit would probably fit the description for this Fw-190 pretty well. Look up the Eduard A-8 on their website (which has sprue shots and all), and you'll know what's going with that. Plenty of fine detail, but a few niggles here and there when it comes to assembly, but ultimately it will indeed lead to a fine representation on the 'ole Butcher Bird provided you take your time adressing the issues and do things in the right order.

They also tool up their own kits every once in a while, and indeed have some wonderful kits in their inventory (their 1/48 IL-2 series of kits come to mind as well as SBD Dauntless and TBF Avenger. Both kits I believe are generally ranked as being the best in that particular scale out there. (All three kits to be most likely found in an Italeri box these days BTW), or a mighty fine 1/48 1/48 B-25B. With their own kits it´s pretty much the same as Eduard in terms of details and ease of building. Mostly very fine kits indeed in terms of details and such, but perhaps a tad over-engineered in areas..leading to the typicals Eduard-like issues when it comes to building them up.
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Nice kits but a bit pricey. I have few of them and can say they are definitely not for beginners. If you can get one at a reasonable price go for it, or you can go the Eduard weekend route. I have theirs as well.
Hey Aaron. I have the IL-2 and SDB kits. As jjp_nl said, "very nice kits and a tad over-engineered." I put both away due to my own issues though the IL-2 is now almost finished. I would recommend Accurate Miniatures to someone with your experience.

Agree with all above. Note that some of the AM kits are also sold under the Italeri label, making them a touch cheaper. Two which come to mind are the TBM/TBF Avenger (excellent kit) and the B25C Mitchell II.
I wouldn't be surprised if the same goes for the Fw-190A-8 Priller kit. Given the fact that the AM Fw-190A-8 it is pretty much a Weekend Edition you'd prolly be better off getting one of those and look up or piece together a set of Priller decals since these Weekend kits are dead cheap, or go for an Eduard Profi-Pack...around the same price as the AM package, but tons of extra goodies (PE, pile of decal options, mask etc.)
Thanks a bunch guys for the input. I got it for $29.00 and no shipping charges. I don't think that was to much but I could be wrong cause I have been before. Again, I do very much appreciate the advice.
I've got the limited edition B-25D kit "Red Wrath" from A.M. its a pretty awesome kit but the canopy isn't all that impressive (although you have like 3 options for canopy) on these kits and scratches easy, so future it imediatley.

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