Geoffrey Sinclair
Staff Sergeant
- 931
- Sep 30, 2021
As others have pointed out when and how the costs were measured is important. Note the variation just within the P-47. Generally the later in the war the lower the cost for standard components like radios, more P-47 were ordered before P-51. Also there are well reported P-47 radio problems, which may have required a more costly communications installation to fix.
Roger Freeman, early 1943 in Britain, "Strangely, radio communications with many P-47s were almost impossible due to noise, soon diagnosed as interference from the engine's powerful ignition. ... Static electricity from the corrosion of magneto seals was the principle cause and bonding insulation of magneto distributor caps was the solution, albeit temporary, as the trouble was not completely eliminated until much later with the pressurisation of magnetos."
More costs,
Tomahawks to Russia from UK listed in three groups according to which contract their engines were built under.
1st Group, 40 aircraft, Airframe $38,307.00 contract A.84, Engine $17,413.67 contract F.207, Propeller $4,182.31 contract F.731, total $59,902.98
2nd Group, 79 aircraft, Airframe $38,307.00 contract A.84, Engine $17,417.63 contract F.223, Propeller $4,182.31 contract F.731, total $59,906.94
3rd Group, 52 aircraft, Airframe $38,307.00 contract A.84, Engine $18,635.77 contract A.196, Propeller $4,182.31 contract F.731, total $61,125.08
Roger Freeman, early 1943 in Britain, "Strangely, radio communications with many P-47s were almost impossible due to noise, soon diagnosed as interference from the engine's powerful ignition. ... Static electricity from the corrosion of magneto seals was the principle cause and bonding insulation of magneto distributor caps was the solution, albeit temporary, as the trouble was not completely eliminated until much later with the pressurisation of magnetos."
More costs,
Tomahawks to Russia from UK listed in three groups according to which contract their engines were built under.
1st Group, 40 aircraft, Airframe $38,307.00 contract A.84, Engine $17,413.67 contract F.207, Propeller $4,182.31 contract F.731, total $59,902.98
2nd Group, 79 aircraft, Airframe $38,307.00 contract A.84, Engine $17,417.63 contract F.223, Propeller $4,182.31 contract F.731, total $59,906.94
3rd Group, 52 aircraft, Airframe $38,307.00 contract A.84, Engine $18,635.77 contract A.196, Propeller $4,182.31 contract F.731, total $61,125.08