HiNot at all, my father spent the whole war on escorts protecting convoys in the N Atlantic and Arctic before going to the far east. He was interred with Merchant seamen in Russia. The whole principle of the Liberty ship was to ensure production exceeded losses. I was just discussing the principle, convoys were not halted due to losses, to wait for new technology as various other campaigns were like leaning into France, RAF daylight raids in 1940 and US daylight raids in 1943. Millions of men lost could not be accepted but tens of thousands could, just a question of magnitude not principle.
Reference "principle" this was as laid down in the February 1939 edition of the RN's 'Anti-Submarine Warfare manual' this confirmed: "... the value of convoy by increasing the difficulty of U-boats in finding targets and, where intelligence was available, of diverting shipping clear of U-boat concentrations." When ULTRA information was available it was most useful in this latter task for much of the war. The whole point was to get the convoy through with minimal losses. (source 'The Royal Navy and Anti-Submarine Warfare, 1917-49' by Malcolm LLewellyn-Jones, page 16).