Aircraft Identification Thread IV

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I don't know what the a/c are.

the a/c in the front

and this one
The one at the bottom looks Russian to me.
I can't stand it either. You need the Chinook (Gunship if you must) and Hind in there.
the lancaster kicks ass said:
i hope you were joking about the komet...........

Do you ever really read the posts? A couple of posts back I said a Do C3 Komet. :D

And CC the siggy is great! And the choices are just fine too. You have possibly the 3 best helicopters ever produced on there: UH-1 Huey, AH-1 Cobra, and UH-60 Blackhawk. Dont listen to these non believers! The Chinook is not as great as everyone believes and the Hind is just too big for what it was built and not very reliable. Great Siggy my man!
The Chinook is an awesome machine, are you kidding!? One Chinook alone kept the British forces on Falklands running efficiently.


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Oh it can carry quite well and has great performance but if you really want to talk about a great heavy lift aircraft that puts the Chinook to shame it is the CH-53E SuperStallion that the US Marines use. It is a workhorse and will fly circles around a Chinook and carry more.

I just hate flying the damn Chinook it flys like a a rattling garbage can, but I will admit I am jealous of the crew chiefs who can stand up and walk around in flight.
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