Aircraft Identification V

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Been meaning to ask you Chris, your P-47 in your Avatar? And you on the left?

Of course he is. Everywhere he sees a P-47 he's got to stand beside it and got fotographed.

And here's another one:

I am kicking myself right now, because I did know this...

The Junkers Ju88 B or Ju 388/ 488 wind tunnel model, I think...can't remember at the moment...
Yep, it'ts the Ju-85 wind tunnel model. There's not much known about it but I've seen a cockpit mockup in one of my books too.
Yep, that was it! How could I have forgotten?! Got that photo of it and cockpit mockup in one of Manfried Griehl's books- 'Bombers of the Luftwaffe' I think it's called.
What a mess! Looks like a mix of US and Japanese types with an airtrainer tail...
I'm going to say it's American though, very possibly Grumman, but maybe Vought, especially as thhe float is wheeled, and the canopy reminds me of a Devastator

What bugs me is that the cockpit/ forward fueslage looks so Japanese..(Except for the cowling)
Again, something unusual from me. The pictures are poor, identification of the precise type of plane maybe will be hard. But i rather would like to know: Who´s steering here?

Who´s steering here?

The Pilot!

Very interesting Chris. The aircraft looks French but I can find some very similar looking American types, but no luck. I'm guessing that the roundels mean little otherwise you would have eliminated them.

Famous flight footage or from a famous movie? Looks like you photographed your television?! No luck googling E-124 either, but you knew that didn't you?!...
From a very well known movie, made in 1939, which today is in the public domain. Stills from the best version available for online download. I really have to apologize for the picture quality... The aircraft is american, but made to look french.

Two more stills:

Laurel Hardy, "The Flying Deuces"? Stunt pilot was a Frank Clarke. (Sometimes it's good to know Chris' preferred kind of movie )

The thread is climbing to a new height. Nice idea.


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