Aircraft Mock-Ups

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PBI (dive bomber fighter). On this car with a take-off weight of 2850 kg, it was planned to install a promising engine M-107, to apply brake grids to provide a way out of the dive. The armament included a Taubin-Baburin cannon and one ShKAC machine gun, bombs up to 500 kg and RS-132 missiles. It was especially emphasized that after the bombing was completed, the aircraft could be used as a fighter.
The draft design of the PBI was presented for consideration in November 1940. It was estimated that the PBI did not comply with the classification of fighters in the Air Force perspective plan for 1941. It was believed that to lift 500 kg of bombs it was necessary to increase strength, which would increase flight weight aircraft will drop. It was proposed to increase the area of horizontal tail by 55%. In conclusion, the Air Force Institute, dated December 5, 1940, did not recommend PBI to include experimental construction in the plan, postponing the decision until the EOI test results were obtained. Works on PBI ended with the manufacture of a full-size layout.
Modification PBI Wingspan, m 10. 40 Length m 8.67 Height, m Wing area, m2 16.11 Weight, kg empty aircraft maximum takeoff 2850 engine's type 1 PD M-107 Power, hp 1 x Maximum speed, km / h Practical range, km Rate of climb, m / min Practical ceiling, m Crew one Armament: one gun Taubin-Baburin
one 7.62 ShKAC machine gun
bombs up to 500 kg
This one, based on the same crude mockup, moved the pilot lower. It is much more like the HL-10 as actually built, with no disruptions to the basic lifting body mold line. It does have a quite different window arrangement, however. Curiously, it seems that seating for more crew than just the pilot was considered. This indicates that this planning wasn't just for a purely research vehicle, but an orbital vehicle intended to transport a crew.
early HL-10 cockpit concept

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