Thanks Terry. It's certainly a quality product that should last me for years and that I'm confident will give me good results. The downside is that, in comparison to my Iwata HP-CPlus, it is smaller, doesn't feel as comfortable in my hands, and it is harder to clean. The O-ring at the nozzle is not something that the Iwata has and I see potential replacement of this down the road. It is stopping me from using anything but recommended cleaners whereas I've used lacquer thinner and ammonia based window cleaner in my Iwata with no issues since all of the seals are outside of the paint zones. So I have to look for an inexpensive and effective cleaner as I don't want to use up the expensive Tamiya thinners for this purpose. On the plus side, the H&S nozzle assembly is more robust and will be less prone to breakage, I hope.