Airlines and Manufacturers of the 1920's

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Senior Airman
Jun 19, 2006
Hello experts,

this is a collection of pins from a former BMW aeroengine mechanic, collected in the 1920's and maybe early 1930's. Most of them are easily recognizable, but for some others we are without a clue. I marked them with numbers and if some of you are able to help us, I would be very glad. No. 5 is probably the czech aeroengine producer Walter but I haven's seen this logo so far, so I incuded it just to be sure. I'm also not sure about the F-13 directly below the No.1, but I think it is just an F-13 without a special meaning.


Just to keep you informed: Walter (5) is confirmed now and 1. is a czech pilot's badge from the 1930's. 2, 3 and 4 are still unknown.

No, not mine. We (which means our archives) got it from the children of a former employee. Got a lot of other material too, pictures etc. We will give it all back after we made scans, also the pins will be given back. But before that, we will try to identify all of them. If I remember it correctly, a colleague of mine wrote an article about the guy, I can send you the file if you are interested. Must have been an interesting life touring Europe in the 1920's and repairing aircraft engines everywhere.
Thanks Flyboy, yes the No.1 are czech pilot wings, we found that out too. Since he was not a pilot but a mechanic, it might be an interesting story how he got them. Unfortunately he cannot tell us anymore.
Yes, I found a Dux ad in "Deutscher Flugzeugbau" 1942 and it was slightly different to the one of the website. It had a double ring, but more narrow. May well be.

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