"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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I think they need to do that when they can pull off a success.
IF there's reasonable odds of success, it's too dangerous to wait until 2025 to establish a firm foothold in in Crimea. In Jan 2025 the Congress might be entirely anti-Ukraine, with the taps of US support once again switched off. Zelenskyy must learn from the recent shutdown of aid that US support cannot be guaranteed.

Russia has lost sea control of the Black Sea, with Karkinitsky Bay seemingly little defended. Once AWACS-supported F-16s can gain aerial superiority, several seemingly innocent grain carriers loaded with troops and supplies could sail from Odessa and seize the lightly-defended city of Chornomors'ke. The local ethnic Russia civilians will likely flee. Once the UAF has air superiority and the final Kilo SSKs are destroyed by ATACMS or other means, the UAF will be free to send convoys of support across from Odessa.

I know this will earn me a rainbow, but I would not wait until 2025 or 2026 to gain a foothold on Crimea... if you don't want to lose it forever in the eventual peace.
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