"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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Apparently, it's Britain's fault that Putin put Russia's nuclear forces on high alert. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said "unacceptable" remarks were made about possible "clashes" between Nato and Moscow over Russia's attack on Ukraine.

Speaking at a press briefing on Monday, Mr Peskov said: "Statements were made by various representatives at various levels on possible altercations or even collisions and clashes between Nato and Russia. "We believe that such statements are absolutely unacceptable. I would not call the authors of these statements by name, although it was the British foreign minister."

A review of recent statements by the British Foreign Minister reveal no substantive basis for Peskov's claims. The most aggressive statement was that the UK would support any British citizens who want to go to Ukraine and support the fighting...but that hardly warrants a response by Russian nuclear forces.

I LOVE the last part of Peskov's statement. "I would not call the authors...by name....but it was the British foreign minister." You can't make this stuff up. It's comedy GOLD!!!
Russia is notorious for being a bully while acting like a whiney bitch.

My favorite is the recent comment by their space program director saying the ISS never passes over Russia and might fall on (insert any country name here).

And all because it's the fault of the international community objecting to the Ukraine being invaded.
After some soul-searching, neutral Switzerland will adopt all EU sanctions against Russia.
I am wondering if Switzerland was asked to hold off on the adopting the EU sanctions. In the face of every western revenue/banking regulator chasing them, presumably all the Russian oligarchs would have been looking for somewhere safer to stash their billions of ill-gotten money, including that laundered and held for Putin. Where better they might think than the stubbornly neutral Switzerland. So the money starts flowing in and a week later, the door slams shut with Switzerland freezing all the accounts.

"Aside from Cyprus and Latvia, the other most in-demand destinations for Russian money are Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and Malta."
The russian chatter certainly would be hillarious if there was no invasion. Now is just a bad taste joke.

Obviously they are reading the script written for them but what makes me angry are the ones that swallow all this nosense in the free world, like those that made a demonstration last friday in Madrid against... NATO!
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Highly recommend warontherocks. More plausible realistic-sounding info than I've seen anywhere. Interviews with analysts who grew up in Eastern Europe, understand the context of Ukraine, and have studied Russia and its military for years.
In the latest salvo, Sergiy Kyslytsya, Ukraine's Ambassador to the United Nations, compared Putin to Adolf Hitler, appearing to suggest Putin kill himself just like Hitler did a year after western Allied armies landed in Normandy, France, and pushed Germans back to Berlin.

"If [Putin] wants to kill himself, he doesn't need to use nuclear arsenal. He has to do what the guy in Berlin did in a bunker in… 1945," Kyslytsya said Monday at a United Nations General Assembly meeting on Russia's invasion.

So, negotiations between RF and Ukraine were completed...

Several minutes after the announcement, a new strike between Brovary and Kyiv. Allegedly, ballistic Iskanders.

After that, Bela Tserkva was striken.

And shelling in Kharkiv was resumed.

And new air or MRL raid of Irpen.
This is your war Mr. Putin…

The child's mother, reacts as paramedics perform CPR on the girl who was fatally injured during shelling in Mariupol yesterday. She clutches her blood-soaked hand to her mouth while clutching the child's belongings with the other including shoes and a scarf

We hear these words but do the people who can prevent world annihilation hear these words. Will they allow the Rodina to become The Bunker?
I cannot imagine being a parent and dealing with this crap.
The picture of that mother crying and the child in the ambulance dying choked me up. I had tears in my eyes. I just want to go and hold my children.

That is the problem with wars. It is the innocents who suffer for the greed, hate, and ambitions of their leaders.

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