"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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Russian Black Sea Fleet reportedly undergoing a "regrouping" away from Sevastopol. Submarine assets (at least three of four updated Kilo class in the area) as well as landing ships and some fleet support elements have relocated to a facility at Novorossiysk, about 350 km to the east.

This maybe the influence of the new Black Sea Fleet commander, who was appointed at the start of September, and the effect of the multiple drone raids on the Black Sea Fleet headquarters seen in August (footage shows the drones coming in over the sub pens, which would worry the hell out of me if I was Russian Navy).

It also coincides with the revelation that Ukraine has seaborne kamikaze drones, after one washed up near Sevastopol.

In addition, one of the two Kilos in the Mediterranean has gone back to Russia for repairs. It spent just under three weeks at sea and then may have broken down. Last seen heading home being escorted by a rescue tug. Naval intelligence types on Twitter reporting it's unlikely to be replaced any time soon.
Couple of interesting ground war developments:

Ukrainian forces reportedly advanced several kilometers to the west of Oskil in the past 24 hours - best progress made in about 10 days - and are now threatening an end run around the rear of Lyman.

Ukrainian crossing of the Oskil river at Borova was reportedly abandoned in the last few days without a fight. Looks like they thought it was too difficult to keep supplied and/or forces from Oskil were going to take too long to link up.

Russian forces are pushing back hard to the east of Kupiyansk, with several different units of regular Russian army involved. Meanwhile, to the north of north of Kupiyansk Ukrainian forces have reportedly started to advance eastwards with another crossing secured.
Couple of interesting ground war developments:

Ukrainian forces reportedly advanced several kilometers to the west of Oskil in the past 24 hours - best progress made in about 10 days - and are now threatening an end run around the rear of Lyman.

Ukrainian crossing of the Oskil river at Borova was reportedly abandoned in the last few days without a fight. Looks like they thought it was too difficult to keep supplied and/or forces from Oskil were going to take too long to link up.

Russian forces are pushing back hard to the east of Kupiyansk, with several different units of regular Russian army involved. Meanwhile, to the north of north of Kupiyansk Ukrainian forces have reportedly started to advance eastwards with another crossing secured.

Many thanks for this update. It's been very quiet of late so these details are much-needed.

Really glad to see pressure building on Lyman. That's another key logistic hub which, if it falls, will have knock-on consequences for Russia's ability to defend the region.

Slava Ukraini!
Am I the only one who immediately thought of Looney Tunes with that opening fanfare? That was freakin' great.

Sadly, no, you're not....<sigh>

It was great. The only thing better would be if it was dubbed for one of those horribly earnest British propaganda clips from the 40s and 50s with the clipped, upper-class English accent, coupled with the moody background music.

Found this clip from Malaya/Singapore circa 1950 It has all the above, plus a rousing finish. Priceless!

Sadly, no, you're not....<sigh>

It was great. The only thing better would be if it was dubbed for one of those horribly earnest British propaganda clips from the 40s and 50s with the clipped, upper-class English accent, coupled with the moody background music.

Found this clip from Malaya/Singapore circa 1950 It has all the above, plus a rousing finish. Priceless!

I can't get it to play.

KYIV, Sept 23 (Reuters) - Russia launched referendums on Friday aimed at annexing four occupied regions of Ukraine, raising the stakes of the seven-month-old war in what Kyiv called a sham that saw residents threatened with punishment if they did not vote.

Ukrainian officials said people were banned from leaving some occupied areas until the four-day vote was over, armed groups were going to homes to force people to cast ballots, and employees were threatened with the sack if they did not participate.


By incorporating the four areas, Moscow could portray attacks to retake them as an attack on Russia itself - potentially using that to justify even a nuclear response.

Ukraine, Western leaders and the United Nations condemned the votes as an illegitimate precursor to illegal annexation. There are no independent observers, and much of the pre-war population has fled.

The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which monitors elections, said the outcomes would have no legal bearing as they do not conform with Ukraine law or international standards and the areas are not secure.

We might see Putin replaced, but otherwise I don't think we'll see the Russian government system collapse, but this is going to be 1905 all over again.

"The 1905 revolution was primarily spurred by the international humiliation as a result of the Russian defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, which ended in the same year."

The 2022-24 Russo-Ukraine War will end in equal humiliation for Russia.
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Doing what we can to get familiar equipment to Ukraine
Nice. Per the article Cyprus has 82 T-80U tanks, 43 BMP-3 IFVs. By early October the first of those could be on cargo ships to Greece, likely up to Italy-Austria-Slovakia-Poland to Ukraine. Greece-Romania-Bulgaria-Odessa looks shorter, but the railways won't be as good.

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