"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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Reliving good ole Russia from the ones that do not want to fight is not in our interest. I will be the ones breaking the lines and cause chaos when pushed. Getting considerable bodies of men behind the lines might be problem.
The phrase "couldn't organize a piss-up in a brewery" springs to mind:

I don't understand Russia. They look like us, have similar European origins, but can't do anything well. Why are concepts such as democracy, incorruptibility, personal freedom, free speech and basic rights, freedom of the press, economic liberalism, etc. so foreign to the Russians? All of their European neighbours less, for now Belarus have this, including Poland and the Baltic trio. Russia has defeated every invader since the Mongols…. they're a victorious nation, but act like defeatist isolationists, always seeking respect. What's wrong with the Russia headpiece?
I don't understand Russia. They look like us, have similar European origins, but can't do anything well. Why are concepts such as democracy, incorruptibility, personal freedom, free speech and basic rights, freedom of the press, economic liberalism, etc. so foreign to the Russians? All of their European neighbours less, for now Belarus have this, including Poland and the Baltic trio. Russia has defeated every invader since the Mongols…. they're a victorious nation, but act like defeatist isolationists, always seeking respect. What's wrong with the Russia headpiece?

Obviously you have never seen the little radials in the Yak 50/55 and Su26, or those planes themselves or watched the SU-27 and MiG-29 aerobatics that showed aerodynamic control far better than what the west had at the same time. Like all countries they do some things great and some things are cluster flucks.
I don't understand Russia. They look like us, have similar European origins, but can't do anything well. Why are concepts such as democracy, incorruptibility, personal freedom, free speech and basic rights, freedom of the press, economic liberalism, etc. so foreign to the Russians? All of their European neighbours less, for now Belarus have this, including Poland and the Baltic trio. Russia has defeated every invader since the Mongols…. they're a victorious nation, but act like defeatist isolationists, always seeking respect. What's wrong with the Russia headpiece?
Maybe they're not getting enough fiber.
The phrase "couldn't organize a piss-up in a brewery" springs to mind:

Once again, right from Hitler's playbook.

Hitler Putin: how goes the war?
General: we are losing...WAIT, I mean we are not able to advance in the right direction and we do not have enough soldiers left to advance in the direction you want.
Hitler Putin: ...
General: ...
Hitler Putin: send in the Volkssturm!
and to a certain American…..
Let's not fall into the quadmire of US politics and thus risk having this thread shut down. I'm less interested in Russian politics, and more referring to the Russian national mind, way of thinking/living and culture. What makes Russians feel so inferior that they must use such false bravado and invade their neighbours who are doing nothing to threaten Russia beyond pursuing liberty and happiness.
and to a certain American political party.

You should travel and find out what a lot of foreigners think of the current situation in the US. Some love it, some hate it and some who love it fear for its short term future.

Seventy five years ago the greatest nation on earth, now rapidly moving towards a dysfunctional banana republic. No other empire has crashed so quick. No other country has impeached a president for having sex with a consenting adult. Already there is talk of impeaching the current president (https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/25/...iden-impeachment-house-republicans/index.html). If that happens it will quite likely be because he is spending future tax cuts for the billionaires in Ukraine as that is what one politician in Arizona is openly saying is wrong with the current administration. If he, and others, get their way American aid to Ukraine will end this year.

And what does anyone of this have to do with the war in Ukraine?

Such political discussion has zero, zilch, nada to do with the topic. The politics rule was eased, but not removed.

Let's not open up Pandora's box here and ruin an otherwise civil and good thread.

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