"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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Me too, 700,000.

With Russia having lost >60k troops, my thinking is Ukraine has moved to number three.
700K to 750K is the realistic estimate of all defence forces that include the Army (ZSU), National Guard, Territorial Defence, national police units involved in military operations, etc.
700K to 750K is the realistic estimate of all defence forces that include the Army (ZSU), National Guard, Territorial Defence, national police units involved in military operations, etc.
In other words, just about all the age appropriate able bodied men remaining in country, and a significant portion of the women?
While I'm gleefully cheering on every Ukrainian advance, I need to remind myself that Russia isn't withdrawing everywhere. In some places, Russian forces are still trying to advance....and it's costing Ukraine dearly.

This article provides some pretty brave reporting, IMHO. The old lady's description of life in her apartment is heartbreaking. She shouldn't have to deal with all this.


Powerful words…

"During the seven months of this war, you should have understood that we will not give up a single metre of our land. Sixty thousand of your compatriots are successfully fertilising Ukrainian black soil. No matter how much more cannon fodder comes to Ukraine, it won't change anything."
Thoughts on the M60 to Ukraine?

So, what changes now?

How about seeing if they can get some Israeli conversion kits to bring the M60s up to the Sabra standard. It fires NATO standard 120mm ammunition. Sabra
While I'm gleefully cheering on every Ukrainian advance, I need to remind myself that Russia isn't withdrawing everywhere. In some places, Russian forces are still trying to advance....and it's costing Ukraine dearly.

This article provides some pretty brave reporting, IMHO. The old lady's description of life in her apartment is heartbreaking. She shouldn't have to deal with all this.

I heard this report on the radio this morning on the way to work. The audio bespoke a full-blown battle -- shells hitting every ten or so seconds, small-arms chatter regularly punctuating the interview.

For all our happiness over the recent Ukrainian successes, this war has a long way to go, sadly.
Powerful words…

"During the seven months of this war, you should have understood that we will not give up a single metre of our land. Sixty thousand of your compatriots are successfully fertilising Ukrainian black soil. No matter how much more cannon fodder comes to Ukraine, it won't change anything."
True. I have noticed that a lot of the Ukraine soldiers are getting equipped with far more sophisticated weapons than the basic AK47 issued to Russian troops. The general quality of the equipment is clearly improving
I don't remember seeing this here but even if it is a repeat, it's worth it.

That has indeed been posted here, but as you say, it's worth reposting. These guys have stepped out of civilian life and into seven-league boots, and showing themselves to be marching mofos.

We hear "Slava Ukrainia" a lot, but we need to stop and remember that Ukraine's glory is being bought by the sacrifices of people who put down the plough to take up the sword. Mucho respect and honor to these men and women staring down a superpower without flinching.
Ukrainians seem to be advancing in north too. Guess they want to liberate everything before the Duma ratifies annexation :tearsofjoy:

Yep…it seems pretty clear that Ukraine's OODA loop is operating at a much faster rate than Russia's. Ukraine.s advances create salients which, if Russia was able to respond dynamically, could be cut off. Instead, Russia's inability to respond quickly enough means that forward Russian positions become, themselves, salients that Ukraine can encircle and cut off.

I hope and pray for Ukraine's continued success. Every encirclement successfully completed by Ukraine not only liberates territory, it also traps Russian men and materiel, further diminishing Russia's military capability.

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