"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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Oh, I know. My point wasn't that they were bombarding "Russians", but that they were bombarding "Russia".

They're not bombarding "Russia" if that part of the Zaporizhzhia region isn't considered "Russian" territory, hence my comment about Peskov. If he can't define the boundaries of these "Russian" regions, then the whole thing seems very woolly at best. Regardless, Zaporizhzhia city never voted and hence can't (logically) be considered as part of the "Russian" region....and I do realize I used the word "logical" with any decisions or assertions coming out of Moscow. :)
They're not bombarding "Russia" if that part of the Zaporizhzhia region isn't considered "Russian" territory, hence my comment about Peskov. If he can't define the boundaries of these "Russian" regions, then the whole thing seems very woolly at best. Regardless, Zaporizhzhia city never voted and hence can't (logically) be considered as part of the "Russian" region....and I do realize I used the word "logical" with any decisions or assertions coming out of Moscow. :)

My understanding is that the Russians declared all of the four oblasts Russian, whether or not they controlled this or that area of them. At any rate, my take was more a snarky point than anything else, because we're all aware of the fictitious nature of the "referenda".
if you have mentioned P-39....

On a more serious note:

At the United Nations, Russia is lobbying for a secret ballot instead of a public vote when the 193-member U.N. General Assembly next week considers whether to condemn Moscow's move to annex Donetsk and Luhansk in the east and Kherson and Zaporizhzhia in the south after staging referendums in the provinces.

There's a scent of shame overhanging this request. This should be rejected. Moscow knows that its motives are impure and they know that the rest of the world knows that too; hence the desire for a secret vote.
They should be careful about what they wish for. If it's a secret ballot, then some of those who publicly support Russia may vote against them
Interesting read about the (relative) lack of military equipment being provided to Ukraine by France:

These revelations are not surprising. France has always been aloof regards NATO. In the '80s, when we practiced our vehicle recognition drills, we would ID French vehicles as enemy.
These revelations are not surprising. France has always been aloof regards NATO. In the '80s, when we practiced our vehicle recognition drills, we would ID French vehicles as enemy.
I was amused by Dr. Haroche's coopting FDR's "length of hose" analogy.

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