"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (52 Viewers)

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Nice. Now our tanks are Leopard 2A4. I believe the Germans, Finns, and Poles have the 2A7. Does that matter to much? How does the armour stand up to whatever the T-72 and T-90 are firing, plus Russian MANPATS?
Alot has gone on since last summer, but this article from July may shed some light on the sudden shift to providing western aircraft to Ukraine.

Training pilots takes anywhere from three to six months depending on experience level.

So here we are about six months later and lo and behold, talk of providing jets...

They know what it means to live under the Russian jackboot.
True. I know two young couples in my area from Lithuania and Latvia respectively. All were born at the end of the USSR so did not grow up
in the Warsaw pact system but they all said their parents and grandparents etc all referred to those times as "the occupation".

There would be very little support for a return to that system in those countries.
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Anyone caring to answer my question about power output and fuel consumption changes with different fuels used by the M1's engine?
Not a lot better for diesel as the engine is optimized for JP8 fuel - apparently.

Range problems also mean a large fuel load must be carried and the engine does have a heat issue which is understandable given it's type.
The exhaust can get to temps over 500 degrees C which gives the Abrams a massive heat signature for anyone using IR.

The engine although similar in HP rating to other vehicles gives the Abrams really good acceleration when needed in combat and allows a good
consistent speed to be maintained for marches. Good attributes when in company with Bradleys.
The Abrams' engine exhaust is about 930°F and the exhaust is baffled to disrupt it's signature.

The M1's range is just over 250 miles, which is exceptional, considering it's weight.

As for variances in performance related to different fuels, there doesn't seem to be much of a difference (speed, range, power) between the fuel consumed.

There was a US Army study on the performance of the turbine using different fuels: jet fuels, diesel and kerosene fuels, gasoline of various grades and they even tested it with "Bunker C" oil.
For those not in the know, "Bunker C" oil is a viscous, tar-like oil that needs to be heated in order for it to flow.
While it might not be practical on the battlefield (well, maybe in a battleship, but not a tank), the test engine operated well within parameters with it.
Yes I found the exhaust difference after I posted. The older system was the really hot one. Probably eighties info.

As far as I know.
There are apparently 53 "available" 2A4. Of those, about 20 require minor repairs and I guess those will be sent in a matter of a few months.
About 20 more require significant repairs and probably won't be ready this year.
The rest have been cannibalized for spares and probably can't be rebuilt.

By the way the press everywhere is reporting that Spain is sending 53 tanks, wich is clearly not true. I say Spain will send 20 at most.
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