"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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That reminds me of another story. In one place I was stationed, the post movie theater was across the street from an artillery firing range. After the matinee movie started, a battery of M65 280 mm "Atomic Cannons" pulled into firing position there. There was a tremendous "WHAM" and all the lights in the theater went out! What happened? Were we at war? Had someone planted a bomb in the theater? No, the M65s had fired in Battery (all together) and the resulting concussion knocked a power transformer off a power pole. The AC power was off for quite a while. They never fired M65s in Battery after that, only one at a time.
Here some thoughts on F-16s deployment in Ukraine:
It'll be 2024 before the Ukranians are operating either Vipers or Gripens, likely postwar. For now and throughout 2023, NATO needs to focus on procuring and getting more MiGs and Sukhois into Ukrainian service. Who has MiG-29s and Su-27s to offer? What would Peru or Algeria want in exchange for their MiG-29s, for example? What of the USAF's MiGs?

If there any NATO-designed manned aircraft the Ukrainians are likely to receive this year my guess is they're helicopters. Apache, Cobra, Mangusta and Eurocopter Tiger attack helicopters would be useful to Ukraine this winter and especially during the coming spring and summer offensives.

Below we see the Eurocopter Tiger and Leopard 2 working together, perhaps with a datalink of some sort. A harbinger of what we may see under Ukrainian arms.

Great wallpaper here, Wallpaper Leopard 2A4, German Army, tank, snow, Military #5751
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PARIS, Jan 27 (Reuters) - A total of 321 heavy tanks have been promised to Ukraine by several countries, Ukraine's ambassador to France said on BFM television on Friday.

"As of today, numerous countries have officially confirmed their agreement to deliver 321 heavy tanks to Ukraine," Vadym Omelchenko, Ukraine's ambassador to France, said in an interview with French TV station BFM.

"Delivery terms vary for each case and we need this help as soon as possible," he added.

Omelchenko did not provide a breakdown of the number of tanks per country.

... and:

KYIV, Jan 27 (Reuters) - Ukraine said on Friday it would take its pilots about half a year to train for combat in Western fighter jets such as U.S. F-16s, as Kyiv steps up its campaign to secure fourth-generation warplanes in the wake of Russia's invasion last February.

Ukraine got a huge boost this week when Germany and the United States announced plans to provide heavy tanks to Kyiv, which is now hoping the West will also provide long-range missiles and fighter jets.


Air Force spokesman Yuri Ihnat said F-16s may be the best option for a multi-role fighter to replace the country's current fleet of warplanes, which are older than modern Ukraine itself. He said Kyiv was using four types of Soviet-era planes.


In the United States, Deputy White House national security adviser Jon Finer told MSNBC on Thursday that the United States would be discussing the idea of supplying fighter jets "very carefully" with Kyiv and its allies.

Ihnat said in addition to the pilots, aviation engineers and other specialists would need training. Ukraine has already started work in different regions to create airfield infrastructure for Western planes, he said.

The Pentagon plans to increase artillery projectile production by 500 percent over two years, ramping up conventional ammunition production to levels not seen since the Korean War, NY Times reported.
The United States is investing billions of dollars in the production of ammunition to compensate for the shortage caused by the war in Ukraine and to build up stockpiles for future possible conflicts.

The solutions, which will include expanding factories and attracting new manufacturers, are part of the "the most aggressive modernization effort in nearly 40 years" for the US defense industrial base.


Before Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, the U.S. capabilities produced approximately 14,400 unguided projectiles a month, enough for the American army. However, the need to supply Ukraine's military prompted Pentagon leaders to triple production plans in September and then double them again in January so that 90,000 or more shells would be produced a month.

3000 rounds per day ... that's an awful lot of hurt coming down the line.
It's this sort of performance that will significantly increase the chances of Russia losing. With almost little effort the USA can increase production by a factor of approx. 6, whilst Russia has to go begging to N Korea and try to get equipment from Iran and Afghanistan.

It's the arsenal of democracy all over again...but this time with multiple Allies chipping in as well.

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