...and All is alright with the World.

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Moving swiftly on....

I have been marinading bacon over the last couple of days.

Piri Piri

A selection of Indian spices and a tikka paste.

Tomorrow's breakfast is the great experiment :)
Stand by for custard pie men....


Could this be something, ww2aircraft.net Bacon of the Month Club? :lol:


Maybe time to change avatar....
Amen, brother. Poetry is overrated like fooking religion.

I mean honestly. Ever listen to people reading that shite? It's atrocious.

And to properly correct you, Meat, the actual saying is:

We pour this booze,
And we drink this booze,
Because we think it's yummy,
So over the tongue,
And down our throat,
To party in our tummy!
The pure poetry of that brings tears to my eyes....
Thank you.
I am only sorry that I can't give you bacon for that!
I wasted my daily bacon earlier.
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I just stumbled across this thread, and reading the OP reminded me of my US trip last year.

In one of the hotels I stayed in (in San Antonio, IIRC) the room service menu had this delight:


Now, I love cheesecake. And had some delightful samples while in the US. But deep fried cheesecake?

So, how would such a thing look? Thank goodness for youtube.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42oUVwyFsZI

I could feel myself going into diabetic ketoacidosis just watching that!

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