..and another one: Post-WWII plane pilot dies in W.Va. air show crash

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Lieutenant General
Apr 10, 2009
South Carolina
from Post-WWII plane pilot dies in W.Va. air show crash - Welcome to Charter.net

MARTINSBURG, W.Va. (AP) — The pilot of a post-World War II plane died Saturday after crashing into a runway and bursting into flames, the second deadly air show crash in 24 hours.

The West Virginia Air National Guard said that no spectators were injured and that the crash site was far away from anyone at the show. Still, air show officials posted a notice on their website encouraging those who witnessed the crash to seek support if they felt viewing it had been traumatic.

The crash occurred a day after a stunt pilot crashed at a Nevada air show Friday, killing nine.

"We were fortunate that the safety measures put in place by the Federal Aviation Administration ensured the safety of those on the ground," Maj. Gen. James Hoyer, adjutant general of the West Virginia National Guard, said in a statement. "Right now our thoughts and prayers are with the family members of the deceased."

Officials have not released the pilot's name. The fixed-wing, single-engine T-28 plane is registered to John Mangan of Concord, N.C., and was built in 1958, according to a Federal Aviation Administration registry.

The Journal of Martinsburg ( bit.ly/nJ268P) reports the aircraft lost control during a six-plane stunt formation and then crashed on a runway near hangers at the airfield, causing thousands at the show to cry, hug and pray afterward.

The plane was part of the T-28 Warbird Aerobatic Formation Demonstration Team, which performs at air shows around the country.

The team is known as the Trojan Horsemen and its website says Jack "Flash" Mangan is part of the alternate wing. His biography on the site says he is a former Air Force fighter pilot who won three Meritorious Service Medals and Tactical Air Command's Instructor Pilot of the Year.

A message left at Mangan's North Carolina home was not immediately returned on Saturday.

According to The Boeing Co.'s website, the North American T-28 Trojan was a basic trainer that was used by the U.S Navy, including for carrier operation. Its first flight was in 1949 and it was designed to transition pilots to jet aircraft.
Sad event but
"A message left at Mangan's North Carolina home was not immediately returned on Saturday"
what kind of ghoul would call the house
I hate when they use the word "stunt".
Agreed...why not use a realistic term like "veteran pilot" instead of something that makes him sound like he was up there jerking around...

News reporters are right down there with personal injury attorneys, career politicians and blow-fly larva.

Thoughts and prayers go out to the pilot and his family...the warbird and aviation community just can't afford to lose it's pilots and thier rides
Another great shame, to his family freinds and team. ...and another ammo for the extrem right/left/egocentric/bigots towards banning enjoyable awe inspiring events that don't fit with their blinkered opinions.

Hey, whadda ya got against the blow-fly?

My prayers go out to the friends and family of those involved, the pilot, aircrew, team, etc. I just hope that the aforementioned blow-flies don't start screaming that warbirds don't need to be flying, they're dangerous, etc. I can see someone using this to push some sort of legislation and get their name in the spotlight.

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