Anglo Boer war.

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Sorry, PBFoot, I didn't realise the British XXX Corps and 1st Airborne Division was ALL Canadian. I didn't realise that 21st Army Group was made up nothing but Canadians. I'm glad to see the British didn't have to fight in Holland.

Henk up till this point I found your artical very interesting but comparing the British too the Nazis even given the awfull things that where done during the empire days is a bit over the top so get stuffed. Yes the British invented concentration camps and a terrible thing it was but they did not stuff babies into gas F**king chambers by the thousand or slaughter 6 million plus people on the grounds of religion ,mental state, or sexual orientation or kill 20 million Russians. what ever my great great grandfather did it is not for me to have to appologise for, as it is not for those of German or Japanese decent to ask for forgiveness what their forbares did.

Exactly, in times of wars you'll quickly know who your real enemy is. As I said, the ones with those ideas were quickly cured and the royal family had a firm grip of reality.

the answer to all the above questions is Canada .

Actually, only a part of the royal family was in Canada. Some stayed in London.

Gotta agree with you guys. The modern people of today should have to answer for what there for fathers did generations ago.

Part of the wealth we have here in Europe came from our colonies, so the least we can do is help our former colonies to get a higher standard of living themselves.
Sorry, PBFoot, I didn't realise the British XXX Corps and 1st Airborne Division was ALL Canadian. I didn't realise that 21st Army Group was made up nothing but Canadians. I'm glad to see the British didn't have to fight in Holland.
Would it be more politically correct to say the Canadians were in the majority
No one is denying Canadian troops were not part of XXX Corps but so there were British Scots and Irish Regiments in XXX Corps PB. and as for 1st Airborne Pb they were mostly Brits to my knowledge. And the British 21st Army group was made up of Canadian British Irish Scots and Welsh Regiments. But the Dutch Monarchy first sheltered in England parts of the family moving to Canada at a later stage. but they were not the only Monarchy to shelter in England during WW2 Pb, My point was to Marcel that old suspicions and animosities were forgotten due to a common enemy that had to be fought
In other words Do not visit the sins of the fathers onto the children. Which I was trying to point out to Henk about blaming the British for things that occurred 100 plus years ago in South Africa.. We can not blame the today's generation of Germans Italians or Japanese on the things their grandparents did 70 years ago. It is pointless to even try to do that. As per the examples I said to Henk about what occurred in Scotland Ireland and Wales over a 1000 years.
It's not a case of poltically correct, PB. There were more British troops in the 21st Army Group than Canadians. To be so deluded as to believe it was solely the Canadians that liberated Holland is a smudge on your respectability.

I'm all for national pride, and I know Canadians took a lot on their shoulders in Holland. And great respect to them for doing that; but just keep the facts straight. Americans were in Holland too; the 82nd and 101st Airborne for a start.

Yes you're right, but they only liberated the south during Market Garden and then went into germany in 1945. The Canadians liberated the north, above the river rhine. But they took along also quite a number of Poles as well. The town I was born, for instance was liberated by the Poles. Even Belgian paratroopers were there. But fair is fair, the canadians took the biggest part of it.
All I'm stating is that 1st Canadian Army including Poles and Ibelieve the 51st Lowland division did the bulk of the liberation . If you visit Canada almost every town in this area has or had a Polish legion comprised of Polish Veterans who emigrated to Canada. I'm not denying the participation of the Brits nor the US . the participation of the Brits in the Breskins pocket and clearing of the Scheldt Estuary is not to be minimized
I think we are getting of track here. We agree that all the Allies played their parts in liberating Europe in general. Not really something we should not be splitting hairs about and the thread is about Anglo Boer war not 2nd World War
Ok guys, I will go on with the argument about my thoughts about the British government of the time in a while. Bomber I am sorry mate for not aswering you qestion I get the PC for myself late at night after my mom finnished with her bull.
I must firstly go over my stuff to tell you correctly the tactics they used during the early stages of the war. Sorry but I have only now again started with part of history and are not up to scratch with it.

Do not worry I will come back to you guys.

there is big trouble in South Africa because of a very popular song called

De la Rey - one of the commanding generals in the Boer war.

And of course the very emotional video - check this out


You cant bring the song out of your mind -

Bok van Blerk reaches double platinum for that song


Op 'n berg in die nag
lê ons in die donker en wag
in die modder en bloed lê ek koud,
streepsak en reën kleef teen my

en my huis en my plaas tot kole verbrand sodat hulle ons kan
maar daai vlamme en vuur brand nou diep, diep binne my.

De La Rey, De La Rey sal jy die Boere kom lei?
De La Rey, De La Rey
Generaal, generaal soos een man, sal ons om jou val.
Generaal De La Rey.

Oor die Kakies wat lag,
'n handjie van ons teen 'n hele groot mag
en die kranse lê hier teen ons rug,
hulle dink dis verby.

Maar die hart van 'n Boer lê dieper en wyer, hulle gaan
dit nog sien.
Op 'n perd kom hy aan, die Leeu van die Wes Transvaal.

De La Rey, De La Rey sal jy die Boere kom lei?
De La Rey, De La Rey
Generaal, generaal soos een man, sal ons om jou val.
Generaal De La Rey.

Want my vrou en my kind lê in 'n kamp en vergaan,
en die Kakies se murg loop oor 'n nasie wat weer op sal

De La Rey, De La Rey sal jy die Boere kom lei?
De La Rey, De La Rey
Generaal, generaal soos een man, sal ons om jou val.
Generaal De La Rey.


On a mountain in the night
I lie in the dark and wait
In the mud and the blood
As cold rain clings to my pack

And my house and my farm were burnt to the ground so they
could capture our land
But the flame and the fire that once burned now burn
profundly within my heart.

De La Rey, De La Rey come lead the Boer
De La Rey, De La Rey
General, General united with you we shall rise or we fall.
General De La Rey.

Against the soldiers that laugh
A handful of us against an army of them
With the cliffs of the mountains against our backs
They think they can run us down

But the heart of a Boer is deeper and wider than the enemy
can see
On a horse he has come, The Lion of West Transvaal.

De La Rey, De La Rey come lead the Boer
De La Rey, De La Rey
General, General united with you we shall rise or we fall.
General De La Rey.

Because my wife and my child are forced into prison to die,
As the enemies overruns us again, we are forced to take a

De La Rey, De La Rey come lead the Boer
De La Rey, De La Rey
General, General united with you we shall rise or we fall

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