Anyone own any assault weapons or other interesting weapons?

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You should remember that in the UK we used to be able to own semi auto rifles and handguns. The rules were a lot stricter than yours, but it could be done.
Semi Auto rifles took less than 6 months to get banned and collected. Handguns are now banned and that took about 6 months to be implemented and collected.
If a government wants to act quickly it can. I wouldn't do anything if I was you to put your freedoms at risk even if the chances are very small.
And you must remember that the founding fathers in this country, having come from England, put many safeguards into our constitutiion like the 2nd Amendment, the 4th Amendment and Due Process to disable such an event from occurring here.

England ain't America. With all due respect, long live the Queen but thank God for that.
What I mean is what a lawmaker can make, a lawmaker can break. At the end of the day its your call but if I were you I wouldn't take that chance.
From a 2004 article...

"Military-style semi-automatic firearms (so-called assault weapons) do not differ materially from non-military style semi-automatic firearms (one bullet is fired for each pull of the trigger) and are no more powerful than other semi-automatic weapons. Further, a bullet fired from a semi-automatic weapon is no more powerful than one of the same caliber fired from a corresponding non-semi-automatic handgun, rifle, or shotgun. In fact most assault weapons are less powerful than hunting rifles. For example, the AR-15 which is a semi-automatic version of the military's rifle (M-16), is a .223 caliber rifle. Rifles of this caliber are often forbidden from being used to hunt deer because this small caliber bullet is more likely to wound the animal (and allow it to escape and suffer a slow death) than the more powerful .24 to .30 caliber bullets normally used in deer hunting rifles. (An example of rifle caliber restrictions are Tennessee deer hunting regulations. Click on "regulations" in the frame area.)

Assault weapons are not the weapons of choice among drug dealers, gang members or criminals in general. Assault weapons are used in about one-fifth of one percent (.20%) of all violent crimes and about one percent in gun crimes. It is estimated that from one to seven percent of all homicides are committed with assault weapons (rifles of any type are involved in three to four percent of all homicides). However a higher percentage are used in police homicides, roughly ten percent. (There has been no consistent trend in this rate from 1978 through 1996.) Between 1992 and 1996 less than 4% of mass murders, committed with guns, involved assault weapons. (Our deadliest mass murders have either involved arson or bombs.)

There are close to 4 million assault weapons in the U.S., which amounts to roughly 1.7% of the total gun stock. "

The term "Assault Weapon" was derived from California Leftist Politician David A. Roberti who along with his crone Mike Roos drafted legislation to ban military looking weapons because of a school shooting in Stockton CA. by a Racist Fascist wacko. Although people were killed in this tragedy, the media jumped on this to demonize "Assault Rifles" like the SKS, AK-47 and AR-15 sold on civilian markets. Below is an article written by a doctor who provides great information on how these political opportunist capitalized in this event...

Roberti-Roos started this campaign and knew little about firearms but they, along with the Liberal Media and other left-wing politicians in the California Legislature coined the phrase "Assault Weapon"

As their momentum continued they attempted to demonize these firearms and any one who might own one. Their campaign grew into legislation which eventually became law based on lies, half-truths and ignorance. In fact they were their own worse enemy as because of this ban, it induced many to join the NRA and acquire firearms that function the same as those banned, but were not part of the original law. It also created a swing to the right which eventually led to terms limits and other laws that would weaken the democrat influence in the California State Legislature.

There were attempts to unseat Roberti but eventually term limits ended his political career.....
I dont own any actual assault weapons but i have an M-4 Airsoft gun that fires semi or auto. My dad and I use the 12 gauge semi for Turkey hunting. My dad bought me a .22 Rifle for an Early Birthday present two years ago, and i also have his old .410 Shotgun.

But the rifle i wish i had was either an M1 Garand or M1 Carbine. I would love to have either of those!
I have a baseball bat, an eight inch knife and a four foot chain (that does the most damage). Purely defensive weapons ...
Yup. I got no firearm but I have a telescopic batton stick, a boxer and several knives. Oh and I used to have a pepperspray but I already used it out. \:D/
P38 Pilot said:
I dont own any actual assault weapons but i have an M-4 Airsoft gun that fires semi or auto. My dad and I use the 12 gauge semi for Turkey hunting. My dad bought me a .22 Rifle for an Early Birthday present two years ago, and i also have his old .410 Shotgun.

Thats pretty nice of your dad, I wish my dad would have got me a .22 when I was your age and beleive me I didnt stop asking until I was old enough to own one.
beat this you sucka's ! for non-paying customers ........... just 1 of many primeveal toys locked away


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That is slick, how did you manage to get that?

Nonskimmer said:
Get me a job working the oil derricks in about five years, and I'll teach you how to write your name in the snow. Make it a nice cushy managerial position and I'll teach you how to read it.

Why would you want to work on the rigs in Alberta? sure they pay good and theres good benefits, but Ft. Mcmurry and Grand Prarie are shit places to live, and say you did work there, youd be working for a guy named Wayde who treats his employees like sh*t.
long story and no it is not a de-act. Back in the 1960's actually. right now the thing in the condition it is in is worth over $ 7,000.00 plus US. I bet some stupid ass-wipe insurgent types would love this puppy

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