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cheddar cheese

Major General
Jan 9, 2004
WSM, England
I have only just heard that there was such an aircraft as the Ar-440. Being a fan of the Ar-240, I was wondering if anyone had some information/pictures on it?

Thanks, CC 8)
I couldnt find any actual pictures, all I could find was this drawing:

This is the Arado Ar 240. the preverson to Ar 440


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Details (translated from Russian)

Modification Of AR.240a-0

Wingspan, 16.30m
Length, 14.30m
height, 4.00m

Wing area, 34.00 m2

empty aircraft 9,200 kg
maximum takeoff 12,210kg

Engines 2x Daimler- benz Db-603g
power, 2 X 1900hp

maximum speed, 747km/h
cruising speed, 696km/h
service range, 2700km
No of crew 2

armament: two x 30 mm MK-108 and two x 20 mm MG 151 forward and two x 13- mm machine gun MG 131 in the upper fuselage and one fixed 20 mm gun MG 151 at the back up to 1000kg of bombs.


Now THATS what I call a heavy fighter!
Yes which is what im after :D Thanks Kiwi! That is also what I call a heavy fighter! Just what I like, lots of power, lots of guns! :D

Thanks for the drawing too JCS :D
I have seen this picture and another of the same aircraft in either Luftwaffe in Focus or similar and their best guess was that it was an early Bf 110 modified for testing cockpit arrangements for the Me 210 project. Makes more sense to me than the "mythical" Ar 440.

Either way would make a unique model subject.


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You can find out a lot about the Ar-440 in the book "Messerschmitt 110/210/410" by Mankau and Petrik.

As far as I'm aware the Ar-440 never flew over the UK, although the Arado 234 did.
No myth Vick! From 'Bombers of the Luftwaffe' by Joachim Dressel and Manfried Griehl:

The Ar 440 was an improved development of the Ar 240. The first prototype was cleared to fly in the early summer of 1942. The three following Ar 440 A-0s flew for the first time in November 1942, and in the following January they were sent to the Test Centre at Rechlin. Among other tests, comparative flight testing with the Ju 88 S, Me 410 and He 219 high-speed bombers was undertaken, and the Ar 440 showed considerable advantages in both speed and flying qualities. Further flight tests were even more convincing, so the Technische Amt issued an order for series production of the Ar 440. However, in the fighter programme of 1944 the Do 335 replaced the Ar 440, and further development was stopped...



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Has anyone seen any foto of Ar-440? As far as I seek it, I am not able to find something more then 3-wiev plan, coloured picture and some notices
I'm not so sure about that. There were a total of 4 Ar-440A-0s produced and they used modified 240 components with several added fuseladge sections.*

I've also not been able to find any pics of it.

*Warplanes of the Thrid Reich by Green
The last four Ar 240 A-0 (A-05 to A-08 ) were used as V7 to V10 prototypes and ended up as Ar 240B (V7, V8 ) and Ar 240C (V9, V10) prototypes.
A-04 was modified/rebuilt as sole Ar 440 prototype and was sometimes referred to as Ar 440 A-04, some authors mistook this as fourth Ar 440 prototype.
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You can find out a lot about the Ar-440 in the book "Messerschmitt 110/210/410" by Mankau and Petrik.

As far as I'm aware the Ar-440 never flew over the UK, although the Arado 234 did.

The Ar 240 flew over the uk with Siegfried Knemeyer at the controls. The Jet Ar 234 did much latter as well with Erich Somer at the controls.
I have only just heard that there was such an aircraft as the Ar-440. Being a fan of the Ar-240, I was wondering if anyone had some information/pictures on it?

Thanks, CC 8)

The designer was Rudiger Kosin who wrote an important book "the german fighter from 1914 to 1975" this has some information in it and I will add a scan but right now the boss is making me go to bed. The periscopicaly aimed remote controlled guns worked very well, the vision was better than through armour glass. Ar 240 had poor handling issue due to laminar flow wings poor pitching chacteristics. Ar 440 solved this. Aircraft was a backup to me 410 but never funded. The ac was extremely fast.
Here is a side cut of the 440 found on the net Harold A. Skaarup Web page photo Arado Ar.440
Arado Ar 440 A-0
Heavy fighter-bomber
Margin: 16,30 m
Length: from 14.30 m
Height: 4,00 m
Wing area: 34,00 m2
Empty weight: 9 200 kg
The maximum take-off weight: 12 210 kg
Engine: two Daimler-Benz DB 603G
Maximum speed: 747 km/h
Travel speed: 696 km/h
Range: 2 700 km
Crew: 2
Armament: two cannons MK-108 caliber 30 mm and two cannons MG-151 caliber 20 mm in front of the aircraft, two machine guns MG-131 caliber 13 mm in the upper and lower remote controlled missile turret, one hard cannon MG-151-caliber 20 mm in the rear of the aircraft
Shipment: within 1 000 to bomb
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