Are French bombers Ugly?

Are French Bombers Ugly?

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what air force in WWII didnt have something that looks like crap (but none were close to a French bomber though)
hey CC, u know ur favorite plane? that piaggio 108 looks like crap cause of that stupid turret on the nose, and all the other competing 4 engined bombers

but i like axis 4 engined bombers, even though some of them look just too nasty... well flying a bomber with a warty nose is better than flying a box with box wings
i'd love to go for a flight in one of these french beauties, don't get me wrong i'd give my life not to be shot down and killed (which i find somewhat ironic :rolleyes: ), think of the great views!
ever heard of the amiot 354 and 351? NOT THE 143

this is the Amiot 143/ all other lousy french excuses for aircraft
loomaluftwaffe said:
hey CC, u know ur favorite plane? that piaggio 108 looks like crap cause of that stupid turret on the nose, and all the other competing 4 engined bombers

Tell where the turret is on the nose of a P.108...theres a 12.7mm MG on a pivot in the nose, but no turret...

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