Are you or have you ever been in the Armed Forces?

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the lancaster kicks ass said:
from what i've read if a navy plane lands on annother carrier, i.e. not it's own carrier, the crew of the carrier it visits cover it in messages to the crews of the plane's "home" carrier, this true??

I am pretty sure it is true. Whenever a helicopter from another unit lands at our airfield we get some chalk and write some stuff on the bottom of there aircraft so they dont see it but everyone that looks up at them can read it. It is always something ridiculing them. It has also happened to us on some occasions.
When I was in the Reserves our planes had low vis flat gray paint jobs. Any grease on your hands would stain the paint, so these birds always looked like s#*t. I worked on the engines and would love to write in the two inboard engines nacelles so the pilots would see...

Actually I drink much better beer, but here's some American beer trivia for all you non-Yanks:

Budweiser is generally found at Red Neck barbecues, NASCAR events and Superbowl gatherings. After a few hamburgers and several "buds" a phenomena occurs when the 2 mix in the digestive tract, commonly known as BUTTWISER!

Another common American beer "Miller Genuine Draft" or MGD is very popular among the Hispanic community. In my brother's Army National Guard unit, it is very common to see a large gathering of young Hispanic men drinking MGD at the end of a hard day. This phenomena is known as "MGD" or "Mexicans Getting Drunk."

There you have it my friends, some good ole American beer trivia
Bud is now brewed in Canada too. Why?
We have enough of our own sh*tty brands!

I don't drink those, of course. Only home-brew and the good local stuff. :-"
And I don't mean Alexander Keith's!
I mainly drink Belgian, Danish or German beer. And some West Yorkshire brew.
I prefer real ales...but I will drink Czech or German lager if it comes to it. Most American beers are awful, especially their attempts to brew the 'real thing'. I like MGD in bottles tho, thats pretty good.
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