Assistance identifying a B-26

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Jun 13, 2010
I was wondering/hoping if anyone could offer assistance identifying this particular aircraft. We believe it to be a photograph of my Grandfather prior to his first mission. I'm not certain what information in the image is useful. I've seen similar tail markings on WINGS PALETTE - Martin B-26 Marauder - USA But I'm unsure how I can correlate the information.

Thanks in advance.


  • 1st Mission.jpg
    118.6 KB · Views: 184

I'll do some further research but it is definitely from the 387th because of the black and yellow stripes on the tail. Although the 387th Bomb Group had the tail with stripes as well, the 3 digits at the beginning correspond to the 387th BG

Will get back to you.
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Thanks so much for the responses.... I never expected anything so quickly, totally blown away.


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