Avenger Help!

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
I don't suppose anyone's got the Instruction Sheet for the 1/48th scale 'Accurate Miniatures' Grumman Avenger, have they?
I've just been having a close look at the Italeri kit I bought, to see what might be needed for a FAA machine. This beautiful kit is the Accurate Miniatures kit, under the Italeri label.
BUT! The instruction sheet is abysmal! Apart from being very poorly laid out, with very vague diagrams, some of which don't show where some of the parts actually go, a whole section, or two, have been missed entirely!
The diagrams jump from assembling the interior, to fitting the wings, missing out eveything in between, including what goes where in the fuselage halves, and the joining of the latter!
The gun turret is shown being assembled AFTER the model is virtually complete, and the drawings don't give a clue as to where some of the parts for this are supposed to fit, or how!
Normally, I wouldn't have a problem with a poor, or even missing instruction sheet, but, this is a fairly complex, and highly detailed kit, where it will be important to get all the interior fittings etc in the right place, the rightway round etc.
So, if anybody has, or has built, the Accurate Miniatures vesion, and has the instruction sheet/booklet, I wouldn't mind a copy if possible.
Brilliant! Marvellous! Fantastic! Great! Splendid! Bl**dy Super!
Thanks very much Wayne!
What a fantastic group this is!
Next question, I've got something I can work off, but anyone got any pics/profiles of British PACIFIC FLEET marked Avengers, as opposed to the SEAC marked ones that moved across from the Indian Ocean, eventually attacking Okinawa and other Japanese areas?
These would have been from FAA Squadrons 849 (Victorious), 857 (Indomitable), 820 (Indefatigable), and 828 (Implacable).
I've got their SEAC schemes, and I've got the PTO scheme for 848 (Formidable).
And, do the SEAC aircraft, which attacked the Japanese oil installations at Palembang, Sumatra, count for the PTO Group Build?
Thanks Cory and Wayne.
Karl, Step 3 is missing, but the rest is a GREAT help mate, much clearer than the Italeri, the latter being VERY vague.
Wayne, if you've got STEP 3 of the instructions, that's all I now need. Thanks everyone!
That's one of them old boy. Meridian One and Two, plus the other bombing attacks on the Japanese Islands, and Tokyo itself. Long before that, and apparently not that well known, the FAA Avengers were involved in supporting the US Marines, in the Solomons.
Very educational, these Group Builds!
Until I started looking for something to build, then researching on FAA Avengers, I knew only little, vague bits about the war in the 'Far East', and the Pacific in particular. I had the 'general overview' idea of course, but nothing specific or detailed. One thing I have discovered though, it would seem that the FAA didn't have as many photographs as other allied units!
I also cleared up the point we were discussing a couple of weeks back, about the PTO/SEAC roundels. For whatever reason, the Royal Navy, being 'The Royal Navy', DID have their own version of the SEAC roundel, which was Roundel blue with a plain white centre, as opposed to the SEAC roundel that every other Brit and Commonwealth unit used, Roundel Blue and Light Blue. They also used, in some cases, a thin white outline, which would appear to have been to make the roundel more visible on a dark background.
The Pacific Area roundel had the bars, as per the US insignia, again with a thin white outline around the roundel, although there was also the same with the yellow outline to the roundel - I haven't been able to clarify the period/use/reason for this latter style.
Got them Wayne! Briliant - compared to the Italeri 'Comic Book' instructions, they are the 'Encylopaedi Brittanica' of instruction sheets; very thorough, with text and background info.
You're more than a star, you're the Aurora Australis!!
Just itching for the PTO build to start now!

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