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Hey, where's the front-half of that plane?And don't forget this - I bet there "would have" been a manual for ramming.
"The plan was simple: fly above enemy aircraft, then enter a high-speed dive and collide with an enemy's wing or vertical stabilizer. The XP-79B was designed to survive because of the heavily reinforced leading edges on the wings."
I wonder if once a Japanese Kamikaze has volunteered can he unvolunteer? If he is injured and unable to fight, does he have to commit suicide?
An aircraft is a very expensive machine and throwing them away is not very cost effective
If you're serving in any military during wartime, the mission comes first. You are expendable.
I wonder if once a Japanese Kamikaze has volunteered can he unvolunteer? If he is injured and unable to fight, does he have to commit suicide?
An aircraft is a very expensive machine and throwing them away is not very cost effective,
The hope was that the Kamikaze would inflict so many causalties that the US would halt our advance on the home islands, it didn't, but maybe instead helped firm up the decision to use the A-bomb.
Research more about Kamikaze - what drove this mission and who "volunteered." You may find some information on links posted on this thread....
You don't mind if I cut and paste this as I intend to use it on every thread.
If one is being picky one could say the Japanese did conditional surrender as they were able to keep their Emperor.
Other countries were equally as desperate as the Japanese but suicide squads are unheard of within UK fighting forces. Although one can easily pick missions where survival was zero to non existant but it was never 'suicide'.
So if the Germans wanted Hitler then can that concession be made?
That probably would have been up to Ike and Zhukov if Germany was in a similar postion Japan was in but I think its obvious what their choice would have been. The Japanese Emperor was just a figure head when you got down to it, Hitler was calling the shots and making policy.So if the Germans wanted Hitler then can that concession be made?