Hi Milosh,
I realize the size and do NOT accuse Herr Holm of anything at all except that I cannot validate his data.
I am using it now since it is available, but am keeping an open mind since I have no idea if he is posting data as seen immediately after WWII or is what I call a "revisionist" who thinks that he is better qualified to cut the data than the people who fought the war. Without seeing the original data, I cannot say if his online data are valid or not, but I am willling to use them until proven one way or the other since I have been unable to locate the data otherwise.
I follow the scientific method. That is, state a hypothesis and attempt to prove it false. If you can't, the hypothesis might be right. It still might be wrong but, if you can't prove it, the so-called hypotyhesis might be valid unless and until proven wrong.
I'll say Herr Holm is right an will attempt to prove otherwise by wheatver means I can. If I can't, perhaps his data are correct, or as close as we'll get. If anyone out there reads German, maybe they could look at the original data and chime in here. Otherwise, I'll use it until and unless I can prove it wrong, which may never happen. Sorry, I've been burned enough times to be shy of accepting internet data at face value and thinking it is correct ... but I sure HOPE it is.
No insult to Herr Holm intened or implied ... just shy of internet "facts." At least his data aren't on Wiki! That is in his favor right away.