Battle of Britain Siggy Contest

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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
In honour of the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain, we're going to have a Siggy contest! Marcel, Wurger and myself will be judges. Here are the rules:

1) Signatures must abide by the forum's signature rules as posted here:

especially this - "A maximum size of 600 X 200 pixels is allowed."

2) Content must be Battle of Britain related/ themed. Siggys will be judged on accuracy as much as composition. A pic with a Bf 109G-4 over the Steppes of Russia will not exactly win.

3) All entries must be posted by 1 August.

4) Only entries posted in this thread will be considered for competition.

5) You can post up to 3 entries.

6) Your Username must be on the siggy.

7) The winner will be announced on 15 August.

As of yet there is no official prize except the warm inner feeling one gets knowing he did a job well done and the adoration of his fellow forum members. :)

Questions can be asked of the Siggy judges but we can not make any siggy for anyone. We can suggest but not produce. Any other questions, please check the Signature/General pics section,

Signature/General Pics Upload - Aircraft of World War II - Warbird Forums

for any threads that may help you.

Remember this is for fun. Any influencing or paying off the judges is encouraged! :)
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Though, a question to another signature contest: Who won the Christmas Siggy Contest eight months ago? Just curious.

Also, can we post multiple signatures?

Anyway, I might reuse a few of my siggies from last year, so I'll go and check them out.
Good idea! Hopefully the winner(s) will be announced this time, unlike the Christmas siggy contest as Pong mentioned.

Anyway, here's my entry:

Here's my entry.

[Edit] I made some modifications to my entry.

[Edit 2] Added username. (lower left corner)


  • BoB sig 2 (Smoke).png
    BoB sig 2 (Smoke).png
    58.1 KB · Views: 309
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Pong, I don't see why we can't have multiple entries. Lets keep it at 3 apiece. And forgot - your username must be on the siggy. duh!
Since it has been brought up. I dropped the ball on the Christmas Siggy Contest this year. I just became overwhelmed with so much stuff going on that I missed it. I sincerely apologize and won't let it happen again.
Here are my last two entries, and scratch what I said earlier I'll only be using the Spit for July.



These are my final two entries.
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