Battle of Britain Siggy Contest

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Couple of ones I did today. If anyone wants to use one let me know. Happy enough with how they came out but still feel there could be some improvements to be done to them.

Probably most satisfied with the last one, even though it is simple, least satisfied with the first. Middle two I'm happy enough with how they came out.

BoB 70-1.png

BoB 70-2.png

BoB 70-3.png

BoB 70.png

Done from this image (details of those pictured in caption) :arrow: RAF - Homage to the few
Hi guys, back from vacation and looking forward to see your attempts (some nice ones already).
Unlike the Christmas siggy contest, we now are with 3 judges (while Adler was on his own) so we can't be all too busy to announce a winner.
If you are afraid you're not up to the challenge, please note that it needn't be complex.
In fact all you need to do is find a picture that symbolises the BoB for you and add your name in it. The most difficult part in this is putting your name in it in such a way that it fits in the composition. You can use simple programs like MSPaint or MSPhoto-editor, both standard in any Windows installation. For the ones who want to make more fancy stuff, you can use a free program like GIMP, which is free and can be downloaded. I made a tutorial to get you under way here. One warning, though, it's easy to overdo the effects you can find in these programs. Sometimes, the simpler the better!
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If I was to design one it would be simply the excellent poem by Lord Balfour of Inchrye:

On Weald of Kent I watched once more
Again I heard that grumbling roar...
of fighters planes, yet none were near...
and all around, the sky was clear.
Borne on the wind, a whisper...
Though men grow old, They stay the same...
and then I knew, unseen to eye...
the ageless Few, were sweeping by.

Moves me ever since I first ever read it me...committed to memory..never forgotten.
A couple questions:

Hugh, which ones do you want to enter? I've set the limit at 3 but don't know which ones you want to go for?

Regardong a Members Choice Poll - decided we will do that but can the judges enter? Throw that out to you all!
Changed my signature from the Spitfire to the Hurricane.

Has any thought been given to the prize on this one? Maybe Wotjek's title of 'Siggy Master'?! :D :D
Sorry guys my first ever attempt at a siggy, bad I know but How do you resize in GIMP ?


  • Siggy.jpg
    46.5 KB · Views: 158
Open the image you want to use, in GIMP.
Go to Image -> Scale image -> Set the size you want. Just write the Width size in the Width box, and then click in the Height box just below the Width box, then the image size in pixels should change to the proper pixel size all by itself.
Click OK, and GIMP'll change the image size without distortion.

A smart thing to do is to change the image size before you add any text, that way you'll also make sure that you get the proper text size without any distortion.

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