Best Bomber Killing Aircraft......

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I love the 109, it is by far my fav WW2 aircraft. I just like everything about it the way it looks everything. Everytime I go to the Sinsheim museum in Germany it is the first plane that I go and see.
I can see why - before I knew as much as I do about planes now it was my favourite plane, and its still right up there.

And not all the Mods are my age! Ok Crazy and horse are, but kiwimac isnt, and neither is - sorry was - bronzewhaler82. And as for Hot Space, dont ask....
cheddar cheese said:
And may I ask how old you are? It gives me a better image of who you are if I know your age 8) (Im 15)

LOL - I'm an old fart m8. 44.

Currently an expatriot Californian living in Oklahoma but headed back soon.

I've aways loved WWII aviation. My Dad was a Navy pilot and I got hooked young.


cheddar cheese said:
Cool 8) Nowt wrong being an old fart, means I respect you more and am less likely to give you backchat

No dude. Treat me like anyone else. Just credit me with having had more time to read than you, and allow for the fact that I've had the opportunity to talk to real WWII pilots. There used to be a lot of them around... but I fear there are very few remaining.




Damn, move back to Cali, I'm almost certain it's better than Oklahoma(!), the part where I live, at least (Southern)...

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