Best Bomber Killing Aircraft......

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I have tried some, mostly Irish though Kilkenny and Guiness. Both are great. I used to travel to England all the time and enjoyed each visit especially trying different ales.
No I lived most of my life in Germany but I had a girlfriend who was from England and lived near Bristol. I used to fly there twice a month and she would come to Germany twice a month on weekends. Unfortunatly plane fairs add up quickly and it got to be quite an expensive relationship so we broke it off. We still remained friends for some time and kept a correspondance with one another but we lost touch about 4 years ago. Man she was awesome. Her name was Jade and I think she was the first girl I could say I truely loved.
Yeah my wife did not even give me the chance to ask her, I guess she found out I was going to ask when I got home from my last deployment to Kosovo and she went ahead and asked me on the phone and we got married 2 weeks after I returned to Germany from Kosovo. However back to what this thread is about I agree that the Uhu was a great aircraft but I dont know if it was the best. Again just my oppionion though.

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