Best Bomber Killing Aircraft...... (1 Viewer)

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The story I got is that it was 1 lone Heinkel bomber at night that accidentally dropped his bombs on London instead of the docks.Churchill then decided to bomb Berlin in revenge and so the bombing of all cities started.If my facts are correct then the outcome of the entire war was decided by 1 bomber crews mistake.


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It was actually us that made the Germans bomb a city, we were bending their radar waves making them go off course. We didnt know we'd done this at the time though.
Yeah I dont think that winning the Battle of Britain would have won the war for Germany. They needed to invade England and take it. If they had done so then the US could not have based the 8th Airforce out of there to bomb Germany into the stone age. Then Germany could have concentrated on Russia without haveing to worry about the west front. But again it would still be all hypothetical, I really dont think that Germany had much of a chance to win the war, atleast the way it was being fought.
Remember though that we were still recovering from Dunkirk at the time and supplies were low. I dont think that A German land invasion would have been too difficult for them.
Luckily though the RAF done their job exceddingl well and prevented all this happening. Like the man once said: "Never was so much owed by so many to so few." 8) (I think that has to be my favourite quote of all time.)
DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
Yeah I dont think that winning the Battle of Britain would have won the war for Germany. They needed to invade England and take it. If they had done so then the US could not have based the 8th Airforce out of there to bomb Germany into the stone age. Then Germany could have concentrated on Russia without haveing to worry about the west front. But again it would still be all hypothetical, I really dont think that Germany had much of a chance to win the war, atleast the way it was being fought.

I think had Hitler not been such an idiot and a racist, he could have won WWII simply by embracing the Ukranian seperatist movment. This would have doubled his forces against Stalin and problably lead to a quick Soviet defeat. This would probably have brought Turkey into the war on Hitler's side, and he could then have relatively easily have taken the middle-east. By gaining the mid-east oil supplies for Germany, and denying them to the Allies, and with the added troops from the Ukrane and Turkye, Hitler could probably have held Europe. But Hitler's racist views made any such alliance impossible.


That's a classic, Adler! General McAuliffe <sp?> had some nerve to reply to surrender terms that way. Speaking of that, the 60th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge is coming up. I am giving a presentation about it next saturday, along with the P-47.
Have you ever been to the Bastogne and the site of the Battle of the Bulge it is just amazing to stand there where they fought especially in the winter with all the snow everywhere it is amazing and solemn.
Adler, I never made it to Bastogne, but I heard it is quite a place. In some ways, I wish I could go back to my time in Europe. I would have visited more of the historic places, or appreciated the one I did see more.

I visited Duxford while I was there. I also went to Bergtesgarten and Partenkirchen. Looking back, I would have loved to have seen Bastogne, Normandy and many others.
I went to Normandy for the 50th Anniversary of the Invasion and it was amazing and solemn at the same time. I remeber standing at the cemetary and looking at all the white crosses and then walking down to the beach and standing at the water front just see what it might have looked like to be a soldier landing on the beach. At Point du Hoc it was just amazing to stand on the cliff that the rangers climded up to take out the German artillary. It is a must see place.
You will enjoy it, it is an amazing experience. Just go down to the water and look up the beach and you will be amazed. Then think what it had to feel like with the rounds flying at you. I dont think anyone can truely understand it like the vets who landed there. I wish I could have asked my fathers adopted American father who landed on Omaha but he died when I was too young to really talk to him about it.

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