Best Fighter

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The Mosquito was the best all rounder of the war, precision bombing in the 40s at its best.
the mossie was only beaten in versatility by one plane throughout the whole war, and thet was the Ju-88, but plan_d's right, it was the better plane.....................
I like the way a 'Best Fighter' thread becomes an argument on the looks of two BOMBERS!
I'm not sure how you can claim the Hurricane was the best fighter of the war when it was the 3rd best fighter of the BoB.
The Hurrican was probably the most important fighter of the BoB and it had the greatest impact on that battle but both the Spit and the Bf-109 were more than a match for the Hurricane.
the hurricane was actually the most successful plane of all during the BoB, shooting down more german planes than both spitfires and ground attack combined 8) (i think)
the hurricane was actually the most successful plane of all during the BoB, shooting down more german planes than both spitfires and ground attack combined 8) (i think)
I wouldn't doubt it, which is why I don't doubt it's impact. But I would have rather been flying a Spit, faster and a much better rate of turn.

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