Best Fighter

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the lancaster kicks ass said:
we should start an adveritising camping, get more people onto the site, we could stick stickers onto the side of C.C.'s car when he races...............

i shall do just that, have it on the back as thats the bit most people see
yes, the driver behind you will have a front row view of it, as he rams you........

or we could hire a blimp and put it on the side of that..................
I'm not going to agree. The Me-110 was a good bomber destroyer and night fighter but horrible in combatting other fighters. My vote for best twin piston engine fighter is the . . . P-38 Lightning.
You're not important though

Well that's what I said, it was a good bomber destroyer.
Of course you do...
Well I can't be serious all the time, if I was I'd just be boring.
I sometimes accept defeat, but it's a rare occurance. Normally I stick to it.

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