Best Fighter (1 Viewer)

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What interested me was that the team that had developed the quintessential WW1 dogfighter, the Camel, was largely the team responsible for the Hurricane, while, vice versa the company responsible for the SE5A manufactured the Spitfire.

Fascinating stuff.

Posted by Viper..

what game is that from??

I think Viper means the pic of the Hurri i posted...its from EAW and is the latest version that has just been made by the modders 8) we have a some really nice new desert hurris with the 4 20mm cannon and also the version with 30mm underwing tank blasting gun pods.


btw im sitting in my spit1a looking out the cockpit in that pic lol
ahh yes it would be the 4Omm then :shock: ..and yes it has stuff all rounds ;) but its enough to get a an Africa corp convoy smoking :twisted:
The Ta152 is my favourite. It gave hell to EVERY fighter it encountered, really whipped those "best fighters of ww2 p-51"... oh but don`t get pissed, the Mustang was a remarkable fighter. But if only the P.1101 would have been completed... it would be as if the Germans had a time machine and gave the allies the Korean war allready in `45! Now THAT was without any doubt a 100% superior machine to anything that has seen the skies at that time.
Greetings All. First Post.

The best fighter title is too subjective to lay on any single machine. I think you should go year-by-year to determine which fighter was truly the dominant killer. I think the p-51 was a great machine, but it was extremely vulnerable to damage because of the radiator placed in it's distended belly. I also think it's kill numbers are skewed because of the strength of it's competition, primarily in the number of undertrained pilots who flew against it. The Me262 was probably the best thing going in 1945. Turn radius wasn't that great and it was vunerable on approach and take off, but nothing (built in significant numbers) could really touch it.

talking about viper....where on earth is he.....? any one know the whereabouts of him? I havent seen any posts or anything from him for an age
jj1982 said:
well CC, he will make you go to bed without your kiss goodnight from your mummy, nor without your cup of cocoa.

Sorry Bronze but hey you know me......Unfortunatly....I cant stand those who think they are above us all and feel the need to stop our fun cos thier lives are so empty and meanless they have to make themselves look good. Goddamn yankee cocks!

Yes I do know you...I've known you for 10 years and you've always gone too far...I've lost count of the amount of times i've nearly strangled you :evil:
As much as I love the Mosquito: as a daytime fighter it wasn't the best - yes it was good but (as i beleive has been said before but NO idea what thread :rolleyes: ) its turning circle wasn't good because of its size so other more nimble fighters could outturn it - the Mosquito could outrun anything (apart from a jet!) but in a dogfight with something like a Me109... I would hate to be in a Mossie but (before you get too excited JJ :) ) i would hate to be in a JU88 even more!! :lol:

Its nearly impossible to answer but i think the Spitfire has to be way up there on the best fighter list IMO at the top :rocol:

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