Best Live Band

Best Live Band

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Call me old school . . . . . .

The best live band I've seen (three times) is Van Halen . . . . . but it's gotta be with Diamond Dave! He puts on a show; Sammy's okay, maybe more of a musician, but less of a showman (except when he was up on the catwalk at the San Francisco Cow Palace).

However, you are definitely missing one of the best live bands ever: RUSH! As much as I love Heavy Metal (and VH in particular), I gotta say Rush put on the best live show(s) I've ever seen (even in a crappy outdoor amphitheatre at the California State Fair in '87, though the best was at the Oakland Coliseum Arena in '81).
Maiden is easily the best.

Though Metallica are epic Kirk isn't consistant with his playing in the last 10years.Too much wah pedal and its out of time sometimes and James's vocals are a bit hit n miss. No reflection on their recorded stuff though.

Bruce on the other hand is about to turn 50, is all over the stage and has so much energy that is undeniably awesome.

Maiden does put on an amazing show. One of my favorite bands and favorite live shows as well. I can not wait to see them again.

I am going to great shows here soon:

Deep Purple
Alice Cooper
White Snake
AC/DC (as soon as the dates are announced which should be any day now)
Doro Pesch (25th Anniversary show!)
Metallica next year when the European Tour legs of the World Tour are announced. In interviews some of the shows have been leaked and it looks like from late Feb./early March through to May they will be in Europe.

As for Metallica, here is some vid of there show the other day in Dallas Texas. Right now they are on fire! Just to think that I was hearing this song in concert less than two months ago. Sorry this vid is bad quality because it is filmed from someones cell phone.

Joe Satriani - And not in a coliseum, but in a small bar in Everett. Eff yeah!

Yes - in a small venue

Van Halen - With the queen Diamond Dave

Rush - Anytime, anywhere

Robin Trower - You can catch this rock god in small dives. I recommend it.

Roger Waters - Post Pink Floyd (when he was bitter and wanting to save the world)

Dread Zeppelin - Original lineup. Charley Tortelvis, Ed Zeppelin, Jah Paul, Carl Jah - Guitars, Butt-Boy and Fresh Cheese Cheese {if you've never heard them you can't diss 'em. Elvis doing Led Zep Jamaican style.}


Saw Satriani in July, he was awesome.

Also saw him in possibly the best venue ever, nice smallish stage. 3 bars surrounding the standing area however the whole place was done in a gothic castle and roman stylings. very cool.
Joe Satriani - And not in a coliseum, but in a small bar in Everett. Eff yeah!
Alligator Soul ?

The whole "small venue" thing reminded me of an afternoon/evening I spent at The Old Timers Cafe' in Pioneer Square.
A bunch of us who worked together decided to go down there for a while.
Ribs and brew to die for!
Everyone else left and I decided to finish my beer and take in a little more sun, before jumping on the boat to go home.
I was just about to leave when suddenly, a guy walks out with a little podium and sets it up next to the gate, then he pops the sandwich board up for that evening's entertainment and starts taking admission.
A super rockin' Blues band called Led Jaxson was playing. I sauntered into the bar, proceeded to order 3 more beers and watched their first set for free.
Freaking "R-I-G-H-T O-N" band!
One of the best times I can remember spending in that hole.

not quite sure about best live group, but here's my top 3 of the best live rock albums:

1. Deep Purple Made in Japan
2. The Who Live in Leeds
3. Dire Straits Alchemy
Joe Satriani - And not in a coliseum, but in a small bar in Everett. Eff yeah!

Unfortunately, the one time I saw Joe was during his G3 tour about 10 years ago; Steve Vai and Eric Johnson played with him. Steve rocked (I mainly went to see him anyway), Eric sucked. Kenny Wayne Sheppard opened for them, and I think Kenny played better than Eric. Go figure!

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