Best Scene from a War Movie or TV show

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your thought process is unique. are u on acid?
NOPE! Never touched the stuff! My sense of humor is bad enough all ready. Twenty-three years in Uncle Sam's Canoe Club Will do that to ya. And now kiddies , Chapter three of What the Hell Am I Doing Here!! Let me tell you another true but little known item. If any of you recall after that Iranian minelayer was siezed CNN had to get its two cents in and showed a scene of the captured vessel. In the scene you saw a Zodiac type boat come along side the minelayer and one guy climbed half way up a ladder on the side of the boat, he talked to an armed gent on the deck of the vessel and climbs back down to the Zodiac and it pulls away. this was all filmed from a CNN helo that was hovering nearby and the CNN Talking Head explains how they just captured the vessel. TRUTH: The armed dude at the top of the ladder on the minelayer was the Guads Seal team leader ( a chief named Doug-No not me! ) What happened was that Chief Doug and his team did capture the minelayer after the Army KIller Bees raked the deck and the eleven Rag Heads jumped in a raft to make a getaway. (Raft-getaway???) So anyhow the morning after Doug captured the boat the Seal team from the Command Ship LeSalle jump in their war canoe and come over to the minelayer. As their chief is climbing up the ladder Doug leans over the side and asks him what he wants. The LeSalle chief says he's coming aboard to take command of the boat. (READ: Commander U.S. forces Middle East wants his ship to claim all the glory) Doug would have none of it and tells the LeSalle chief to get the hell off his boat! Now Maritime Law states that the senior member aboard a captured vessel is the Captain and a Captains word is law! So what you really saw was Doug chasing the other guys off but CNN said they were capturing the minelayer. Ha-Ha. Moral to the story? Don't believe any first reports especially from a news source.
OK! OK! I'll finish the story! And now Kiddies for chapter Four, the final chapter of "What The Hell Am I Doing Here!" A few days after the capture of the Iranian minelayer we transferred the prisoners to Kuwait for return to Iran. The Iranians then demanded that we return their property,ie the minelayer. That night I decided to go up on deck to check on my night shift crew and a friend, Chief Steve, calls me over to the port side of the ship and tells me to watch the horizon in this one particular spot. I asked what was going on and he replied "Just watch the horizon for another thirty seconds" So I watched and sure enough KABOOM!!!! I saw a bright flash and several seconds later I heard the explosion. I casually turned to Steve and inquired WHAT THE FU-K WAS THAT!! He laughed and said we just gave the Iranians boat back. HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!!!!! (We had towed it just inside their territorial waters and set off a charge that blew the bottom out of it!) I wish I knew who had done the "tow and blow" job, I would've bought them all a beer at our next liberty port. And you never heard another word about the minelayer from the Iranians or CNN! THE END
I know that is why I enjoyed being a Blackhawk Crew Chief. It was allways fun and the best flying I ever did was in the Army. I never puked though because well it was my job!

Pretty cool Emac. Have heard the filming business is not all it's cracked up to be. Long, boring, scene is shot every 5 hours with everyone standing around. But having it done that close to your own turf is going to be cool when it hits the little screen.

Anybody know the release date on it?

Outstanding Chief! Good story!
Hehe, typical salt-story.... I know a few of em as well... Good one Senior..
Hey Shipmate! What's the difference between a fairy tale and a sea story? A Fairy tale starts out wuth "Once upon a time..." and a Sea story starts out with "Now this ain't no ****..."
( I know you knew that but I thought I'd tell it to the land lubbers in our group)

And in the Army its "No **** there I was..."

Talking about the Army....When I first moved to the Norfolk,VA area my best friend, who had moved there just before me, and I decided to do some recon of the area we lived in which was right down the road about a mile from Ft. Eustis (Ithink that's misspelled) Anyhow, we went into this bar and I knew we were in a rough spot because of the plastic glasses and tin foil ash trays. So my friend goes to the Head (Latrine) and comes out laughing his head off. He said that on the wall it said "Army cooks are living proof that the Indians f--ked the Buffalo". Unfortunately my friend speaks rather loud and since the place was filled with soldiers it is needless to say that we had to "execute an immediate tactical withdrawal"!
Dad's Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My favorites are every scene from the series Dad's Army, about the British Home gaurd in WW2. just thinking about it makes me laugh!
A few faveorite lines;
Jones walkes in with a bandage on his finger.
JONES-sory Mr. Mainwaring, I had a little accident at the shop.
JONES-well, aren't you going to ask me what the accident was?
MAINWARING-you cut your finger
JONES-who told you?

also, the most classic lines ofalltime
U-BOAT CAPTAIN- I am making notes captain, and your name will go on the list. And when we win the war you will be braught to a count.
MAINWARING-your not going to win this war
U-BOAT CAPTAIN-Oh yes we are!
MAINWARING-Oh no your not!
U-BOAT CAPTAIN-Oh yes we are!
PIKE-(singing)Whistle while you work!
Hitler is a twerp!
He's half balmy!
So's his Army!
Whistle while you work!
U-BOAT CAPTAIN-YOU! your name will also go on the list! What is it!
MAINWARING-Don't tell him Pike!
U-BOAT CAPTAIN-Pike! Thank-you. (writes it down)
In my WWII class in the High School where I teach I always use the first 20 minutes of Saving Private Ryan and the Jump Scene, Night of Nights episode, of the Band of Brothers. Great scenes both are pretty realistic, as far as I know anyway. I also like the scene in the Band of Brothers just before the episode on Bastogne, where they are moving into the city and the soldiers are retreating and the airborne is moving forward. Great Scene!
Captain Harvey Ross' answer to the Japanese judge Mitsuru Toyama at the end of the "The Purple Heart" as eight Doolittle raiders are about to be sentenced to death. Goes something like this...

Toyama: Captain Ross, is this your final word?!!!

Captain Ross: No excellency. It's true we Americans don't know very much about you Japanese. And we never did. And now I realize you know even less about us. You can kill us. All of us, or part of us. But if you think that's going to put the fear of god into the United States of America, and stop them from sending other flyers to bomb you, you're wrong! Dead wrong! They'll come by night, and they'll come by day. Thousands of them. They'll blacken your skies and burn your cities to the ground and make you get down on your knees and beg for mercy! This is your war! You wanted it! You asked for it! You started it! And now you're going to get it! And it won't be finished until your dirty little empire is wiped off the face of the earth!

I got a feeling the recruiting offices were swamped the day after this movie premiered.
Ok, it's not a war film per se, but Deathwatch has a couple of brilliant moments in it, thanks to Andy Serkins

*discussing holidays*
'I went to Blackpool once. Killed a man there. Yeah it was quite nice actually.'

'You're nothing but a murderer!'
'Don't you get it? That's all we do here! This whole thing is murder. And do you know what..............? I LOVE it'

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