Best tank killer aircraft of WW2 Part I (1 Viewer)

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This is getting a bit silly, with all the agreeing and everything. So, I'm going to throw a spanner in the works.
The Hurricane IIC was the best tank killer.
Hurricane II was useful, it's 40mm Vickers certainly packed a wallop. But I don't think the Hurricane could carry both the anti-tank gun and rockets. I'm also not a big fan of a liquid-cooled engine for a ground attack aircraft. I consider the Il-2 to be an exception because of its extensively armored engine and coolant system.
I'm also gonna throw something in. Tiffy. The four 20mm's could most likely pop PzKpfw. IV's if it hit in in the softer rear, and it could easily pop Tigers and Panthers with the rockets as shown during "The Falaise Trap".
In fact, those rockets when fired all at once, had the destructive power of a cruiser broadside. Pretty impressive in my opinion and most likely also able to kill or "pop", as I like to say, Königstigers (pronounced Koonigstiger).
don't steal my word.... anywho, yesh c.c., i DID indeed steal yesh, but still..... its undoobatibly by the way...

in that case, i didn't steal your word, if i'd have spelt it right, surly that would be stealing your word

and the tiffy and hurricane were good tankbusters, but nothing can compare to the IL-2.............
I still don't think that the rockets of an aircraft would equal a crusiers broadside. A heavey cruiser would be armed with 8-10 8in guns with each shell weight around 300lbs depending on nationality, total broaside would thus average around 2,400lbs to 3,000lbs. A light cruiser would typical carry 12 6in guns with a shell weight of 150lbs or so. That would produce a broadside of roughly 1,200lbs (but a 6in gun fired considerably faster than an 8in making the 6in more attractive in a prolonged engagement). Anyway, a Tiffy's 8 rockets would only weigh 480lbs (unless the 60lb weight refers to only the warhead and not the entire rocket, I'm no sure). Anyway, a cruiser broadside seems to be a bit of a stretch to me.
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